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Created March 16, 2019 01:49
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*Note*: I will call this ~sprintf~ instead of ~printf~ since we are not dealing with IO.
I will use the terminology from the [[][man page for ~sprintf~]].
~sprintf~ takes a "format string" which is any number of "directives".
A directive is either a character other than ~'%'~ or a "conversion specification" consisting of a ~'%'~ and conversion specifier (such as ~d~ for integers).
The design chosen during lecture failed since our level of abstraction was at characters instead of directives.
For instance, the string ~"%d"~ has two characters but only a single directive: the integer conversion specification.
We can start with a data type to represent directives.
data Directive : Set where
CInteger : Directive
CChar : Directive
CImpossible : Directive
Ordinary : Char → Directive
Next we need to transform a list of characters into a list of ~Directive~s.
Some noteworthy edge cases:
* To get a literal ~'%'~ you must use ~"%%"~ in your format string.
* Unsupported conversion specifications will yield a function which accepts an empty type.
* Ending a format string with the start of a conversion specification will simply ignore it.
formatString : List Char → List Directive
formatString = f Default
-- This is a little extra, but it stops us from repeating the '%' pattern match
-- over and over again.
data State : Set where
Default : State
InSpecification : State
conversionSpecifier : Char → Directive
conversionSpecifier 'd' = CInteger
conversionSpecifier 'c' = CChar
conversionSpecifier '%' = Ordinary '%'
conversionSpecifier _ = CImpossible
f : State → List Char → List Directive
f s [] = []
f Default ('%' ∷ cs) = f InSpecification cs
f Default (c ∷ cs) = Ordinary c ∷ f Default cs
f InSpecification (c ∷ cs) = conversionSpecifier c ∷ f Default cs
_ : formatString (primStringToList "%d") ≡ CInteger ∷ []
_ = definition-chasing
_ : formatString (primStringToList "P %%%d %c%") ≡
Ordinary 'P' ∷ Ordinary ' ' ∷ Ordinary '%' ∷ CInteger ∷ Ordinary ' ' ∷ CChar ∷ []
_ = definition-chasing
We need to convert a directive into a type which Agda understands.
reify : Directive → Set
reify CInteger = ℕ
reify CChar = Char
reify _ = ⊥
Now we must produce a function type given a ~List Directive~.
directivesToType : List Directive → Set
directivesToType [] = String
directivesToType (Ordinary _ ∷ ds) = directivesToType ds
directivesToType (d ∷ ds) = reify d → directivesToType ds
_ : directivesToType (formatString (primStringToList "%d %c")) ≡ (ℕ → Char → String)
_ = definition-chasing
_ : directivesToType (formatString (primStringToList "%c %a")) ≡ (Char → ⊥ → String)
_ = definition-chasing
This lets us specify the type of ~sprintf~.
sprintf : (fmt : String) → directivesToType (formatString (primStringToList fmt))
sprintf = sprintf₁ "" ∘ formatString ∘ primStringToList
sprintf₁ : String → (dirs : List Directive) → directivesToType dirs
sprintf₁ s [] = s
sprintf₁ s (CInteger ∷ dirs) x = sprintf₁ (s ++ x) dirs
sprintf₁ s (CChar ∷ dirs) x = sprintf₁ (s ++ primStringFromList (x ∷ [])) dirs
sprintf₁ s (CImpossible ∷ dirs) ⊥ = sprintf₁ s dirs
sprintf₁ s (Ordinary x ∷ dirs) = sprintf₁ (s ++ primStringFromList (x ∷ [])) dirs
_ : sprintf (primStringFromList ('%' ∷ 'd' ∷ ' ' ∷ '%' ∷ 'c' ∷ [])) 5 'a' ≡ primStringFromList ('5' ∷ ' ' ∷ 'a' ∷ [])
_ = definition-chasing
{- You cannot fill me!
_ : sprintf (primStringFromList ('%' ∷ 'a' ∷ [])) {!!} ≡ {!!}
_ = definition-chasing
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