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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import date, timedelta
from os import listdir, stat
from os.path import isfile, join
def colour(t):
c = '\033[94m'
return c + t + '\033[0m'
def days_ago(date):
delta = date -
delta = abs(delta.days)
if delta == 0:
return "Today"
return "{} day{} ago".format(delta, "s" if delta > 1 else "")
def check_highlights(date, f):
prompt = "Highlight:"
for line in f:
if line[:len(prompt)] != prompt:
print "{}: {}".format(colour(days_ago(date)), line[10:].strip())
entry_directory = "entries"
# List of date-filepath tuples sorted by most recent date first.
entries = map(lambda f: join(entry_directory, f), listdir(entry_directory))
entries = map(lambda f: (date.fromtimestamp(stat(f).st_mtime), f), entries)
entries = sorted(entries, reverse=True)
start = - timedelta(days=7)
for entry in entries:
f = entry[1]
if not isfile(f):
if f[-4:] != ".txt":
if entry[0] > start:
check_highlights(entry[0], open(f, 'r'))
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