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Created May 21, 2015 17:25
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import requests
import requests.auth
import redis
import config
def is_a_daily_goal(moderators, thread):
if thread["author"] not in moderators:
return False
t = thread["title"].lower()
if t.find("[daily goal]") != -1:
return True
return False
def get_auth_string():
client_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(config.client_id, config.client_secret)
data = { "grant_type": "password", "username": config.username, "password": config.password }
response ="", auth=client_auth, headers=get_headers(), data=data)
return "{} {}".format(response.json()["token_type"], response.json()["access_token"])
def get_headers(auth_string=None):
h = { "User-Agent": config.user_agent }
if auth_string:
h["Authorization"] = auth_string
return h
def get_moderators(auth_string):
response = requests.get("", headers=get_headers(auth_string))
moderators = []
for item in response.json()["data"]["children"]:
return moderators
def check(moderators, auth_string, before=None):
url_params = {}
if before:
url_params["before"] = "t3_{}".format(before)
response = requests.get("", headers=get_headers(auth_string), params=url_params).json()
children = response["data"]["children"]
if len(children) == 0:
items = []
for item in children:
data = item["data"]
if not is_a_daily_goal(moderators, data):
return items
r = redis.from_url(config.redis_url)
k = "{}:threads".format(config.redis_prefix)
latest = r.zrevrange(k, 0, 0)
if len(latest) == 0:
latest = None
latest = latest[0]
auth_string = get_auth_string()
moderators = get_moderators(auth_string)
threads = check(moderators, auth_string, latest)
for thread in threads:
r.zadd("{}:threads".format(config.redis_prefix), thread["id"], int(thread["created_utc"]))
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