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Last active September 6, 2024 05:43
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module MyLib where
import Data.Kind (Type)
-- This is how we're normally write a recursive list data structure
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
-- Consider this equivalent data structure:
data L h t = N | C h t
-- when h ~ a and t ~ List a, you have the same thing as a List as defined above.
-- however, there is one key difference when you consider the following struct:
newtype Fix f = Fix { unfix :: f (Fix f) }
-- this data type represents the "fixed point" of an endofunctor `f` (e.g. a haskell 'Functor'). An
-- "algebra" for an endofunctor is a pair (a, h: f a -> a) that honors a particular coherence property
-- with respect to other algebras.
-- There is a theorem that says that if `f` has an -initial- algebra `i: f a -> a`, then a is isomorphic
-- to `f a`. `Fix` is that initial structure, along with `unfix`. That is, `L h ~ Fix (L h)`, and further
-- when `h ~ a` and `t ~ List a`, you have `L h t ~ List a`.
-- The 'base` functor with respect to the `Fix`able `L` is `List`.
-- Thus, you can think of a (co)recursion scheme as "projecting" (vis: embedding) a `List` onto `L`, and then `Fix`
-- takes care of recursion that projects `List` along `t` in `L h t` and rolls up the (co)recursion
-- principle in a nice little data structure.
-- You get the following:
-- Fixed point of a list
type ListF a = Fix (L a)
nil :: ListF a
nil = Fix N
-- example: [1,2,3] ~ Fix (C 1 (Fix (C 2 (Fix (C 3 (Fix N)))))
cons :: a -> ListF a -> ListF a
cons a l = Fix (C a l)
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . unfix
ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Fix f
ana psi = Fix . fmap (ana psi) . psi
-- likewise, you can embed the information of the associated "base" functor directly into the
-- signature and just use the usual functor by writing a type family for it. Then, you have
-- the "class of things that can be projected onto things that are amenable to being recursed
-- over with `Fix`, except now you don't need `Fix` cuz you know how to `unfix` to an isomorphic functor":
type family Base f :: Type -> Type
class Functor (Base f) => Recursive f where
-- e.g. Base (Fix f) = f
-- and `project` = `unfix`
project :: f -> Base f f
cataB :: (Base f a -> a) -> f -> a
cataB phi = phi . fmap (cataB phi) . project
-- and likewise, for corecursion (i.e. ana and friends),
class Functor (Base f) => Corecursive f where
embed :: Base f f -> f
anaB :: (a -> Base f a) -> a -> f
anaB psi = embed . fmap (anaB psi) . psi
hylo :: Functor f => (f b -> b) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> b
hylo phi psi = cata phi . ana psi
-- So to answer the question directly:
-- A base functor is the "the functor we really want to work with" (i.e. List, Maybe whatever)
-- and an "algebra" (or coalgebra) is "way to take a functor and produce a value we want" or "the structure we want to
-- build using a seed value", and all of the `Fix` and families of associated haskell
-- functors are the functors that embed or project their (co)recursion principles nicely when
-- using `Fix` or just doing the recursion itself. Try writing these out by hand for small examples!
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