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I hereby claim:

  • I am eri451 on github.
  • I am eri ( on keybase.
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eri451 / _vimlink
Last active October 24, 2016 01:30
Vimlink - using the clientserver feature
eri451 /
Created November 23, 2014 16:26
remote tmux init
# Remote
# in case the remote has no session called my-session
RemoteCommand=$(cat << _EOT
tmux new -d -s my-session -n e-mail \"mutt\";
tmux new-window -d -n irc \"weechat-curses\";
tmux new-window -d;
tmux new-window -d;
tmux new-window -d;
eri451 / simple_logger.h
Created May 14, 2014 03:57
simple logger
* usage: *
* #include "log.h" *
* logger info(INFO); *
* logger err(ERROR); *
* logger debug(DEBUG); *
* *
* info << std::string msg + "\n"; *
* debug << std::string msg + "\n"; *
* err << std::string msg + "\n"; *
eri451 / night.penta
Last active December 17, 2015 08:49
Pentadactyl eye-frindly Nightshift CSS integration CSS by vetinari
" night.penta
" A darkening style for all websides
" integrated to Pentadactyl
" copyright eri! <[email protected]>
" copyright vetinari <[email protected]>
javascript gBrowser.mCurrentTab.gray = false
javascript let nightshift ="body,html { min-height: 100%!important; } html, body { background-color:#111!important } body>*:not(:empty){ background-color:#222!important } body>*>*:not(:empty){ background-color:#222!important } body>*>*>*:not(:empty){ background-color:#282828!important } body>*>*>*>*:not(:empty){ background-color:#282828!important } body>*>*>*>*>*:not(:empty){ background-color:#383838!important } body>*>*>*>*>* *{ background-color:#383838!important } body table[border=\"0\"] td{ background-color:#111!important } body table table[border=\"0\"] td{ background-color:#333!important } body table table table[border=\"0\"] td{ background-color:#222!important } body table table table table[border=\"0\"] td{ background-color:#444!important } body *:empty{ background-color: #252525!important }
eri451 / gist:2558796
Created April 30, 2012 14:28
user title
let title = subscriber.getTitle(feedhref);
if (!options.feedtitle){
if (title === undefined || title === ""){
commandline.input("Title: ", createFeed, { argCount: "+"});
commandline.input("Change title \'" + title + "\' ? [y,N]",
" ==Vimperator_Color_Scheme==
" name: Darkness
" ==Darkness_Colorscheme_Settings==
"StatusLine settings
hi StatusLine color: #afafaf; background: #222222; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineNormal color: #afafaf; background: #222222; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineBroken color: #000000; background: #BA8823; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineSecure color: #000000; background: #64930C; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineExtended color: #000000; background: #0c6493; font-size: 8px;
changeGroup: function changeGroup(TargetGroupTitle){
let activeTab = window.gBrowser.selectedTab;
let targetGroupId = this.getIdByTitle(TargetGroupTitle);
if (targetGroupId != null){
TabView.moveTabTo(activeTab, targetGroupId);