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Created November 3, 2024 11:56
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Plugin for mithril-ui-form of the SearchSelect component
import { registerPlugin } from 'mithril-ui-form';
import { searchSelectPlugin } from './search-select-plugin';
// Register plugin under the name `search_select` or any other name of your choosing.
registerPlugin('search_select', searchSelectPlugin);
import m from 'mithril';
import { PluginType } from 'mithril-ui-form';
import { SearchSelect, Option } from 'mithril-materialized';
export const searchSelectPlugin: PluginType<string[], Option<string>[]> = () => {
let options: Option<string>[] = [];
let className: string | undefined;
return {
oninit: ({ attrs: { field } }) => {
const { options: o, className: c } = field;
className = c;
if (o && typeof o !== 'string') {
options = o;
view: ({ attrs: { iv, onchange, label } }) => {
return m(
{ className },
m(SearchSelect<string>, {
initialValue: iv,
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