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Erik Vullings erikvullings

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erikvullings /
Created December 14, 2024 10:18
Highlight text in a data object


TypeScript highlighter that takes a data object, and applies a highlighting function to selected property values.

I needed to render a data object representing an article. Before rendering it to HTML, I wanted to mark certain parts of the text with a background color.

  1. Create string or regex-based highlighters descriptions
  2. Create a factory function that takes these highlighters and converts them to functions that will wrap matching text with an HTML mark element and background color. It returns a highlighter.
  3. Use the highlighter to convert the original data object to a data object with the same shape, but where matching text is highlighted.
erikvullings / app.ts
Created November 3, 2024 11:56
Plugin for mithril-ui-form of the SearchSelect component
import { registerPlugin } from 'mithril-ui-form';
import { searchSelectPlugin } from './search-select-plugin';
// Register plugin under the name `search_select` or any other name of your choosing.
registerPlugin('search_select', searchSelectPlugin);
erikvullings /
Created September 4, 2023 08:53
Sort photos by EXIF date taken in a folder structure (WINDOWS).


My camera photos on my phone all end up in one big folder. I wanted to sort them by date taken in a simple format year-month format, YYYY-MM. I tried the application PhotoMove, but unfortunately, this simple requirement is only available with the PRO version, so instead, I've asked ChatGPT to create a PowerShell script for me.


  1. Download the Windows version from exif tool and unzip it into a folder. Make sure that the name is exiftool.exe (in my case, it had a weird name exiftool(-k).exe so rename it if that's the case).
  2. Save the PowerShell script you can find below in the same folder.
  3. Open a PowerShell window (WIN+R and enter powershell)
  4. Run the script ./sort.ps1
erikvullings / .env
Created September 1, 2023 15:43
Docker setup with Traefik as a reverse proxy + let's encrypt certificates, keycloak + postgres as identity provider, and a simple service that is protected by it
erikvullings / Docker-compose.yml
Created May 22, 2023 09:40
Traefik reverse proxy settings in Docker (swarm), including strip path prefix
version: "3.3"
driver: overlay
attachable: true
erikvullings /
Last active May 19, 2023 16:31
Create a new Docker volume and fill it with local data

Create Docker volume

When moving from a local development environment to the cloud, e.g. Docker swarm or Kubernetes, you often need a way to access local files. However, in the cloud your local file system cannot be accessed anymore, so you need a way to copy your local files to a volume and mount that instead. This is the purpose of the script. You supply it with the volume name (e.g. schemas) and the local folder containing the schemas, e.g. ../../schemas, and a schemas volume is created, containing all data that is copied into the container.

./ schemas ../../schemas