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Last active October 8, 2024 16:14
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PDOK Locatieservice - gebruik de gratis API service om een adres of postcode te converteren in een WGS84 or RD coördinate.
/** Example of using the PDOK API service, source */
export interface IPdokSearchResult {
response: {
numFound: number;
start: number;
maxScore: number;
docs: Array<{
bron: 'BAG' | 'NWB' | string;
woonplaatscode: string;
type: 'adres' | 'postcode' | 'weg';
woonplaatsnaam: string;
wijkcode: string;
huis_nlt: string;
openbareruimtetype: string;
buurtnaam: string;
gemeentecode: string;
rdf_seealso: string;
weergavenaam: string;
straatnaam_verkort: string;
id: string;
gekoppeld_perceel: string;
gemeentenaam: string;
buurtcode: string;
wijknaam: string;
identificatie: string;
openbareruimte_id: string;
waterschapsnaam: string;
provinciecode: string;
postcode: string;
provincienaam: string;
centroide_ll: string;
nummeraanduiding_id: string;
waterschapscode: string;
adresseerbaarobject_id: string;
huisnummer: string;
provincieafkorting: string;
centroide_rd: string;
straatnaam: string;
score: string;
/** Extracts two numbers from a geopoint */
const pointRegex = /POINT\(([\d.]+) ([\d.]+)\)/;
export const pdokLocationSvc = async (pc: string, hn: string, toev: string = '') => {
const pdokUrl = `${pc.replace(/ /g, '')} ${hn} ${toev}`;
// await sleep(10);
console.log(`PDOK resolving ${pc}, ${hn}${toev ? `, ${toev}` : ''}`);
const response = await fetch(pdokUrl).catch((_) => {
console.error(`Error resolving ${pc}, ${hn}${toev ? `, ${toev}` : ''} !`);
return undefined;
if (!response.ok) {
console.error(`Error resolving ${pc}, ${hn}${toev ? `, ${toev}` : ''}!`);
return undefined;
const searchResult = await response.json() as IPdokSearchResult;
// console.log(searchResult)
if (searchResult) {
const { response: { docs = [] } } = searchResult;
const found = docs.filter((doc) => doc.bron === 'BAG' && doc.type === 'adres');
if (found.length > 0) {
const best = found[0];
const { centroide_ll, centroide_rd } = best;
const ll = pointRegex.exec(centroide_ll);
const rd = pointRegex.exec(centroide_rd);
if (ll && rd) {
lat: +ll[2],
lon: +ll[1],
x: +rd[1],
y: +rd[2],
return {
lat: +ll[2],
lon: +ll[1],
x: +rd[1],
y: +rd[2],
console.error(`Error resolving ${pc}, ${hn}${toev ? `, ${toev}` : ''}!`);
return undefined;
pdokLocationSvc('2597AK', '63');
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