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Day dreamer, night coder

Eugenio eugenioclrc

Day dreamer, night coder
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0xA5DF / !
Last active February 23, 2024 12:20
Estimate C4 payout


I noticed there's a better alternative here


This is a script that can be used to estimate your rewards form HMs submissions on C4. In order to use it fill out in the .env file:

  • HMS_POT - the HM awards for the contest
  • CONTEST_NAME - can be also partial name, but best to use the full name to avoid dupes (e.g. 2024-01-renft)
  • GH_ACCESS_TOKEN - it has to be a classic token with the repo scope permissions, not a fine-grained token. The fine-grained tokens don't support reading private repos that you don't own.
dabit3 / marketplace.sol
Last active November 8, 2024 01:09
NFT Marketplace Smart Contract (V2)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract NFTMarketplace is ERC721URIStorage {
based on ionic 1.0.0-beta.11
makes it easy to scale all the things, e.g.
html {
font-size: 150%;
pasela / cakephp2.conf
Created July 5, 2012 09:37
nginx configuration example for CakePHP 2.x
# nginx configuration example for CakePHP 2.x
server {
listen 80;
server_name cakephp2.example;
root /var/www/cakephp2/app/webroot;
access_log /var/log/nginx/cakephp2.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/cakephp2.error.log;
haschek / .jshintrc
Created May 4, 2012 16:08
JSHint Configuration, Strict Edition
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// JSHint Configuration, Strict Edition
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a options template for [JSHint][1], using [JSHint example][2]
// and [Ory Band's example][3] as basis and setting config values to
// be most strict:
// * set all enforcing options to true