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Evan Solomon evansolomon

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evansolomon / gist:9535323
Created March 13, 2014 19:36
Even when you don't care about a stream's data, you need to make sure it's produced.
var https = require('https')
https.get('', function (res) {
res.on('end', function () {
console.log('You will never see this')
https.get('', function (res) {
// This sets the stream to flowing mode and makes sure it gets through all of its

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am evansolomon on github.
  • I am evansolomon ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 681D CFF5 F3F1 3E5D 54C3 CFBF ED5A 7031 FB5C 6B36

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Example usage:
$template = new Medium_Template( 'Hi, I am {{name|html}}.' );
echo $template->compile( array( 'name' => '<b>Evan</b>' ) );
// Hi, I am &lt;b&gt;Evan&lt;/b&gt;.
echo $template->compile( array( 'name' => 'someone else' ) );
evansolomon / gist:6347288
Created August 26, 2013 22:11
Closure::bindTo() example
class Thing {
private $name = "Evan";
$thing = new Thing();
class ExtendedThing extends Thing {
function say_name() {
if (isset($this->name))
#/usr/bin/env bash
printenv | grep "^\([[:alnum:]]\|[[:punct:]]\)\+=" | sed 's/=.*$//g' | while read var; do
echo "$var=$(printenv $var)\0"
evansolomon / gist:5494039
Last active December 16, 2015 20:39
Scatter shared script to deploy NPM packages. Specifically written for Impromptu, but generally usable depending on your workflow. Install in: ~/.deploys/__shared/npm Make sure it is executable, and run with scatter -s npm
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Go to the repo
echo "Switching to $1"
cd $1
# Only publish from master
if git branch | ack "\* master" >/dev/null
echo "You're on master, good to go"
evansolomon / deploy.rb
Created March 17, 2013 00:09
Capistrano task to version files via their names so that they are cacheable as possible (vs query strings). Bases versions on the file contents so that versions are changed as infrequently as possible, and automatically. Updates all references to the static files.
namespace :build do
desc "Name static files by version"
task :version, :roles => :app do
find_static_files = "find #{current_release} -name '*.js' -o -name '*.css'"
capture(find_static_files).split("\n").each do |file|
# Get paths
full_path = file.chomp
relative_path = full_path.clone
relative_path["#{current_release}/"] = ''
evansolomon / close-debug-bar-on-escape.js
Last active December 10, 2015 06:08
Close Debug Bar with escape key
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
(function($) {
return $(function() {
var db;
db = window.wpDebugBar;
return $(document).keydown(function(event) {
var _ref, _ref1;
if (((_ref = db.body) != null ? _ref.hasClass('debug-bar-visible') : void 0) && 27 === event.keyCode) {
evansolomon / jetpack-subscribe.php
Created December 3, 2012 11:17
Custom signup form for Jetpack subscriptions
Plugin Name: Jetpack Subscribe
Description: Custom subscription UI for Jetpack
Version: 1.0
Author: Evan Solomon
Author URI:
class ES_Jetpack_Subscribe {
evansolomon /
Created October 8, 2012 05:54
WordPress update script
# Delete core directories
rm -rf wp-includes/ wp-admin/
# Delete core files in the root
ls -l | ack "^[^d]" | ack "\swp[^\s]*$" | awk '{print $9}' | xargs rm
# Recover wp-config
git checkout wp-config.php