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Last active October 30, 2023 10:53
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SrcSet debug utility to print info on the currently loaded image
* Use this to help determine which images are being used
* at which breakpoint. Will print lots of useful information
* on shown resolution, actual resolution, DPR and more
* Usage:
* var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.c-hero-banner__background img')
* responsiveImageDebugOutput(elems);
* Author: Carl-Erik Kopseng
* Source:
function responsiveImageDebugOutput(img) {
if (!img) {
throw new TypeError("Expected an image node. Got none.");
if(Array.isArray(img)) {
if(arguments.length > 1) {
function addToAllElements(elems){
elems.forEach( function(el) {
var evalPrint = function (arg1, arg2, argN) {
var len = arguments.length;
var s = "";
while (len--) {
var arg = arguments[len];
var val = eval(arg);
if(val) {
s += '[' + arg + "=" + val + '] ';
var listener = function () {
//Old browser
if (typeof img.currentSrc === "undefined") evalPrint('img.src');
//Modern browser
else evalPrint('img.currentSrc');
evalPrint('img.width', 'img.height');
evalPrint('img.naturalWidth', 'img.naturalHeight');
var xDim = img.naturalWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
var yDim = img.naturalHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
console.log('Resolution: ' + xDim + 'x' + yDim);
// run the listener function if the image had already loaded
// before the listener had been set up
if (img.complete) listener();
img.addEventListener('load', listener);
// var elem = document.querySelector('.c-hero-banner__background img')
// responsiveImageDebugOutput(elem);
// var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.c-hero-banner__background img')
// responsiveImageDebugOutput(elems);
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spookyuser commented Dec 10, 2017

This looks great but chrome keeps throwing an error on

if (!img) {
        throw new TypeError("Expected an image node. Got none.");


Uncaught ReferenceError: img is not defined

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fatso83 commented Nov 22, 2020

Not sure how I missed this comment from 2017, but it just appeared in my notifications, @spookyuser. The error you saw was of course because I had (for some reason) started renaming the variable fromimg to elem without completing it. I fixed it up now, in case anyone else should happen to wander into this part of cyberspace again.

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Haha that's awesome, lol, thank you. I will now attempt to send this back in time to 2017 🥳

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