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Created August 12, 2019 11:57
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* A debugging function that prints its arguments
* @returns {String} an identifier that shows the name of this function
function createConnFunc(name) {
/* eslint-disable no-console */
return function connFunnFunc(...args) {
return `conn_${name}`;
const send_resp = createConnFunc('send_resp');
const put_resp_header = createConnFunc('put_resp_header');
const put_session = createConnFunc('put_session');
const put_resp_content_type = createConnFunc('put_resp_content_type');
const current_user = 'current_user_BOB';
const user = 'user_ALICE';
const location = 'location_OSLO';
const {bind, flow} = require('lodash');
const _ = bind.placeholder;
bind(put_session, null, _, current_user, user),
bind(put_resp_header, null, _, location, '/'),
bind(put_resp_content_type, null, _, 'text/html'),
bind(send_resp, null, _, 302, 'You are being redirected')
// Trying to make it more compact ...
// bind all but first argument - what should I call this?
// bindAllButFirstArgument is a tad bit long
const $$ = (...args) => bind(args[0], null, _, args.slice(1));
$$(put_session, current_user, user),
$$(put_resp_header, location, '/'),
$$(put_resp_content_type, 'text/html'),
$$(send_resp, 302, 'You are being redirected')
// Third attempt at wrapping it up - renaming
const pipe = (...args) => flow(...args);
pipe.prepare = fn => (...args) => bind(fn, null, _, args);
pipe.prepare(put_session)(current_user, user),
pipe.prepare(put_resp_header)(location, '/'),
pipe.prepare(send_resp)(302, 'You are being redirected')
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