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Created June 21, 2019 08:18
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Module pattern in TypeScript; having classes doesn't mean you have to use them at all times
// Run this on the playground by copy-pasting:
interface Vehicle {
brand: string;
drive(miles: number): void;
getMileage(): void;
interface IsPassengerCarrier {
carryingCapacity: number;
// marker interface
interface PublicTransportVehicle extends Vehicle, IsPassengerCarrier {}
function Car(brand:string): Vehicle{
const _brand = brand;
let milesDriven = 0;
return {
drive(miles) {
milesDriven += miles;
getMileage() {
return milesDriven;
function Bus(brand:string, carryingCapacity:number): PublicTransportVehicle {
const _car = Car(brand);
return { ..._car, carryingCapacity};
const dodge = Car("Dodge Ram");
const doubleDecker = Bus("East Lancashire Coachbuilders‎", 100);
const vehicles = [dodge, doubleDecker];;;
let output = "";
for (let vehicle of vehicles) {
output += (`${vehicle.brand} has a mileage of ${vehicle.getMileage()}\n`);
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fatso83 commented Jun 25, 2019

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