- USB SSD with at least 8GB
- Windows .ISO
Open terminal and do the following:
diskutil list
This will list your mountable disks on your Mac, discover which is the path of your USB stick and then:
IMPORTANT: The value will be something like: /dev/disk10
(the number is what identify your disks, be carefull).
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk10
Next open and terminal and use:
sudo dd if=PATH_TO_WINDOWS10_ISO of=USB_MOUNT_PATH bs=1m
This is what the final command should look like:
sudo dd if=/Users/joao/Downloads/pt_windows_10_education_version_1511_x64_dvd_7224110.iso of=/dev/disk5 bs=1m
Next press enter, its going to ask for your password, enter your password and hit enter. This will start the process.
You need to be patient when I first did this on a USB 2.0 it took 39 minutes. This time because i was curious I used a USB 3.0 and it took 21 minutes
When its finished you will see the bytes transferred, the time it took in seconds, and the bytes/sec.
Finally, you have one more step. In terminal you want to type
diskutil eject /dev/disk10
This will eject the disk, and you can remove it from the USB port. For verification, I reinserted the USB, opened it up, and this is what you should see
You now have a bootable Windows 10 USB drive.