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The git ~/.gitconfig & .gitconfig - Fix the problem of How can I save username and password in Git Unix//Mac
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
[user] | |
name = Pavan Kumar Sunkara | |
email = [email protected] | |
username = pksunkara | |
[core] | |
editor = nvim | |
whitespace = fix,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol | |
pager = delta | |
[sendemail] | |
smtpencryption = tls | |
smtpserver = smtp.gmail.com | |
smtpuser = [email protected] | |
smtppass = password | |
smtpserverport = 587 | |
[web] | |
browser = google-chrome | |
[instaweb] | |
httpd = apache2 -f | |
[rerere] | |
enabled = 1 | |
autoupdate = 1 | |
[color] | |
ui = auto | |
[color "branch"] | |
current = yellow bold | |
local = green bold | |
remote = cyan bold | |
[color "diff"] | |
meta = yellow bold | |
frag = magenta bold | |
old = red bold | |
new = green bold | |
whitespace = red reverse | |
[color "status"] | |
added = green bold | |
changed = yellow bold | |
untracked = red bold | |
[diff] | |
tool = vimdiff | |
[difftool] | |
prompt = false | |
[delta] | |
features = line-numbers decorations | |
line-numbers = true | |
[delta "decorations"] | |
minus-style = red bold normal | |
plus-style = green bold normal | |
minus-emph-style = white bold red | |
minus-non-emph-style = red bold normal | |
plus-emph-style = white bold green | |
plus-non-emph-style = green bold normal | |
file-style = yellow bold none | |
file-decoration-style = yellow box | |
hunk-header-style = magenta bold | |
hunk-header-decoration-style = magenta box | |
minus-empty-line-marker-style = normal normal | |
plus-empty-line-marker-style = normal normal | |
line-numbers-right-format = "{np:^4}│ " | |
[github] | |
user = pksunkara | |
token = token | |
[gitflow "prefix"] | |
versiontag = v | |
[sequence] | |
editor = interactive-rebase-tool | |
[alias] | |
a = add --all | |
ai = add -i | |
############# | |
ap = apply | |
as = apply --stat | |
ac = apply --check | |
############# | |
ama = am --abort | |
amr = am --resolved | |
ams = am --skip | |
############# | |
b = branch | |
ba = branch -a | |
bd = branch -d | |
bdd = branch -D | |
br = branch -r | |
bc = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | |
bu = !git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name "@{u}" | |
bs = !git-branch-status | |
############# | |
c = commit | |
ca = commit -a | |
cm = commit -m | |
cam = commit -am | |
cem = commit --allow-empty -m | |
cd = commit --amend | |
cad = commit -a --amend | |
ced = commit --allow-empty --amend | |
############# | |
cl = clone | |
cld = clone --depth 1 | |
clg = !sh -c 'git clone git://github.com/$1 $(basename $1)' - | |
clgp = !sh -c 'git clone [email protected]:$1 $(basename $1)' - | |
clgu = !sh -c 'git clone [email protected]:$(git config --get user.username)/$1 $1' - | |
############# | |
cp = cherry-pick | |
cpa = cherry-pick --abort | |
cpc = cherry-pick --continue | |
############# | |
d = diff | |
dp = diff --patience | |
dc = diff --cached | |
dk = diff --check | |
dck = diff --cached --check | |
dt = difftool | |
dct = difftool --cached | |
############# | |
f = fetch | |
fo = fetch origin | |
fu = fetch upstream | |
############# | |
fp = format-patch | |
############# | |
fk = fsck | |
############# | |
g = grep -p | |
############# | |
l = log --oneline | |
lg = log --oneline --graph --decorate | |
############# | |
ls = ls-files | |
lsf = !git ls-files | grep -i | |
############# | |
m = merge | |
ma = merge --abort | |
mc = merge --continue | |
ms = merge --skip | |
############# | |
o = checkout | |
om = checkout master | |
ob = checkout -b | |
opr = !sh -c 'git fo pull/$1/head:pr-$1 && git o pr-$1' | |
############# | |
pr = prune -v | |
############# | |
ps = push | |
psf = push -f | |
psu = push -u | |
pst = push --tags | |
############# | |
pso = push origin | |
psao = push --all origin | |
psfo = push -f origin | |
psuo = push -u origin | |
############# | |
psom = push origin master | |
psaom = push --all origin master | |
psfom = push -f origin master | |
psuom = push -u origin master | |
psoc = !git push origin $(git bc) | |
psaoc = !git push --all origin $(git bc) | |
psfoc = !git push -f origin $(git bc) | |
psuoc = !git push -u origin $(git bc) | |
psdc = !git push origin :$(git bc) | |
############# | |
pl = pull | |
pb = pull --rebase | |
############# | |
plo = pull origin | |
pbo = pull --rebase origin | |
plom = pull origin master | |
ploc = !git pull origin $(git bc) | |
pbom = pull --rebase origin master | |
pboc = !git pull --rebase origin $(git bc) | |
############# | |
plu = pull upstream | |
plum = pull upstream master | |
pluc = !git pull upstream $(git bc) | |
pbum = pull --rebase upstream master | |
pbuc = !git pull --rebase upstream $(git bc) | |
############# | |
rb = rebase | |
rba = rebase --abort | |
rbc = rebase --continue | |
rbi = rebase --interactive | |
rbs = rebase --skip | |
############# | |
re = reset | |
rh = reset HEAD | |
reh = reset --hard | |
rem = reset --mixed | |
res = reset --soft | |
rehh = reset --hard HEAD | |
remh = reset --mixed HEAD | |
resh = reset --soft HEAD | |
rehom = reset --hard origin/master | |
############# | |
r = remote | |
ra = remote add | |
rr = remote rm | |
rv = remote -v | |
rn = remote rename | |
rp = remote prune | |
rs = remote show | |
rao = remote add origin | |
rau = remote add upstream | |
rro = remote remove origin | |
rru = remote remove upstream | |
rso = remote show origin | |
rsu = remote show upstream | |
rpo = remote prune origin | |
rpu = remote prune upstream | |
############# | |
rmf = rm -f | |
rmrf = rm -r -f | |
############# | |
s = status | |
sb = status -s -b | |
############# | |
sa = stash apply | |
sc = stash clear | |
sd = stash drop | |
sl = stash list | |
sp = stash pop | |
ss = stash save | |
ssk = stash save -k | |
sw = stash show | |
st = !git stash list | wc -l 2>/dev/null | grep -oEi '[0-9][0-9]*' | |
############# | |
t = tag | |
td = tag -d | |
############# | |
w = show | |
wp = show -p | |
wr = show -p --no-color | |
############# | |
svnr = svn rebase | |
svnd = svn dcommit | |
svnl = svn log --oneline --show-commit | |
############# | |
subadd = !sh -c 'git submodule add git://github.com/$1 $2/$(basename $1)' - | |
subrm = !sh -c 'git submodule deinit -f -- $1 && rm -rf .git/modules/$1 && git rm -f $1' - | |
subup = submodule update --init --recursive | |
subpull = !git submodule foreach git pull --tags -f origin master | |
############# | |
assume = update-index --assume-unchanged | |
unassume = update-index --no-assume-unchanged | |
assumed = !git ls -v | grep ^h | cut -c 3- | |
unassumeall = !git assumed | xargs git unassume | |
assumeall = !git status -s | awk {'print $2'} | xargs git assume | |
############# | |
bump = !sh -c 'git commit -am \"Version bump v$1\" && git psuoc && git release $1' - | |
release = !sh -c 'git tag v$1 && git pst' - | |
unrelease = !sh -c 'git tag -d v$1 && git pso :v$1' - | |
merged = !sh -c 'git o master && git plom && git bd $1 && git rpo' - | |
aliases = !git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7- | |
snap = !git stash save 'snapshot: $(date)' && git stash apply 'stash@{0}' | |
bare = !sh -c 'git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/$1 && git rm --cached -r . && git clean -xfd' - | |
whois = !sh -c 'git log -i -1 --author=\"$1\" --pretty=\"format:%an <%ae>\"' - | |
serve = daemon --reuseaddr --verbose --base-path=. --export-all ./.git | |
############# | |
behind = !git rev-list --left-only --count $(git bu)...HEAD | |
ahead = !git rev-list --right-only --count $(git bu)...HEAD | |
############# | |
ours = "!f() { git checkout --ours $@ && git add $@; }; f" | |
theirs = "!f() { git checkout --theirs $@ && git add $@; }; f" | |
subrepo = !sh -c 'git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter $1 master' - | |
human = name-rev --name-only --refs=refs/heads/* | |
[filter "lfs"] | |
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f | |
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f | |
process = git-lfs filter-process | |
required = true |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
# Compiled source # | |
################### | |
*.com | |
*.class | |
*.dll | |
*.exe | |
*.o | |
*.so | |
# Temporary files # | |
################### | |
*.swp | |
*.swo | |
*~ | |
# Packages # | |
############ | |
*.7z | |
*.dmg | |
*.gz | |
*.iso | |
*.jar | |
*.rar | |
*.tar | |
*.zip | |
# Logs # | |
###################### | |
*.log | |
# OS generated files # | |
###################### | |
.DS_Store* | |
ehthumbs.db | |
Icon? | |
Thumbs.db | |
# Editor files # | |
################ | |
.vscode |
Dec 30, 2021
git config --global credential.helper cache -timeout=3600
//Store username and password persistent
Run git pull if you want to change the password later, after changing the password on github we run git pull or some other command and the user will fail, run the command again.
git config --global credential.helper store
Install gh on Debian 10
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