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working at @juntossomosmais and @frontendbr 🚀

Felipe Fialho felipefialho

working at @juntossomosmais and @frontendbr 🚀
View GitHub Profile
terremoth / ambb_projects_add_license_badges.php
Created December 10, 2021 20:52
Add license badges to all projects in felipefialho/awesome-made-by-brazilians repo
$aFile = file('', FILE_TEXT);
$licensed_file = fopen('', 'wb+');
// Stub: [![license](](/LICENSE)
// pattern to search = ![Stars](
foreach ($aFile as $line_num => $line) {
shilman /
Last active January 29, 2025 02:47
Storybook Docs Typescript Walkthrough

Storybook Docs w/ CRA & TypeScript

This is a quick-and-dirty walkthrough to set up a fresh project with Storybook Docs, Create React App, and TypeScript. If you're looking for a tutorial, please see Design Systems for Developers, which goes into much more depth but does not use Typescript.

The purpose of this walkthrough is a streamlined Typescript / Docs setup that works out of the box, since there are countless permutations and variables which can influence docs features, such as source code display, docgen, and props tables.

Step 1: Initialize CRA w/ TS

npx create-react-app cra-ts --template typescript
gricard /
Last active February 29, 2024 20:23
Just some notes about my attempt to upgrade to webpack 4

If you enjoyed reading this, I'm intending to do more blogging like this over here:

This is not a complaint about Webpack or v4 in any way. This is just a record of my process trying it out so I could provide feedback to the webpack team

Hmm... I don't see any docs for 4.0 on I guess I'll just wing it. All I need to do is npm i -D webpack@next, right?

+ [email protected]
eduardojmatos /
Last active May 20, 2020 21:11
List of all users by activities on FrontendBR#forum
FluffierThanThou / editable.directive.ts
Created April 17, 2017 21:21
angular2 (v4) ckeditor inline directive
import { Directive, ElementRef, Renderer, Input, Output, EventEmitter, forwardRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms';
declare let CKEDITOR: any;
selector: '[ckeditable]',
providers: [
domenic /
Created February 10, 2017 19:28
Redirecting GitHub pages after a repository move

Redirecting GitHub Pages after a repository move

The problem

You have a repository, call it alice/repo. You would like to transfer it to the user bob, so it will become bob/repo.

However, you make heavy use of the GitHub Pages feature, so that people are often accessing GitHub will helpfully redirect all of your repository stuff hosted on after the move, but will not redirect the GitHub Pages hosted on

The solution

felipefialho /
Last active November 24, 2016 20:42
[CSS Trick] Hide dynamic element that break the layout when it is empty.

Hide dynamic element that break the layout when it is empty.

  display none

!important, it can't have space on HTML


michaelcurry /
Created September 29, 2016 18:07
RFC Template [Markdown]

RFC Template

Feature Name: (fill me in with a unique identity, myawesomefeature)

Type: (feature, enhancement)

Start Date: (fill me in with today's date, YYYY-MM-DD)

Author: (your names)

// ==================================================
// IE Checker
// ==================================================
function isIE(userAgent) {
userAgent = userAgent || navigator.userAgent;
return userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Edge/') > -1;
jojobyte / ContextCmder-Disable.reg
Last active February 8, 2025 01:56
Cmder Context (Right-Click) Menu for Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00