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Keeping safe

Felipe Nascimento de Moura felipenmoura

Keeping safe
View GitHub Profile
felipenmoura /
Last active March 7, 2022 18:40 — forked from didichanoch/
A sample code of conduct for discord servers.

On2 Discord Code of Conduct


This is the discord server used by On2 Technologies.
Within this server, people can interact with teams organized throughout groups and roles.
If you got an invite to participate, say hi and let us know, to have you fully set up to your permissions.

### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am felipenmoura on github.
* I am felipenmoura ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDXzF93TujvjtFJel6gwwo-XtmgQ4JAy1FIsC-GYYhUuQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
* Tired of those "we detected you have ads blocked, white-list us to continue reading"?
* Then, your problems are over!
* PS.: Help me improve it, and as soon as it gets really stable and working in most sites,
* let's ship it as a browser extension :)
function closeAnnoyingModal () {
w = document.body.offsetWidth + 'px';
h = window.innerHeight + 'px';
felipenmoura / animatedScrollTo.js
Last active February 20, 2025 20:31 — forked from joshbeckman/animatedScrollTo.js
ScrollTo animation using pure javascript and no jquery
* Will gracefuly scroll the page
* This function will scroll the page using
* an `ease-in-out` effect.
* You can use it to scroll to a given element, as well.
* To do so, pass the element instead of a number as the position.
* Optionally, you can pass a `queryString` for an element selector.
* The default duration is half a second (500ms)
[{"ts":71.361345,"k":"y"},{"ts":71.45304500000002,"k":"o"},{"ts":71.54554500000002,"k":"u"},{"ts":71.64923000000002,"k":" "},{"ts":71.95499500000001,"k":"g"},{"ts":72.07511,"k":"a"},{"ts":72.138495,"k":"l"},{"ts":72.26093,"k":"l"},{"ts":72.43401500000002,"k":"o"},{"ts":72.724565,"k":"p"},{"ts":72.97629500000001,"k":" "},{"ts":73.29132500000001,"k":"w"},{"ts":73.402705,"k":"i"},{"ts":73.60449,"k":"t"},{"ts":73.75579,"k":"h"},{"ts":73.83970000000001,"k":" "},{"ts":73.91917000000001,"k":"a"},{"ts":74.03141500000001,"k":" "},{"ts":74.15184,"k":"l"},{"ts":74.31074000000001,"k":"o"},{"ts":74.45218000000001,"k":"o"},{"ts":74.58966500000001,"k":"s"},{"ts":74.82704000000001,"k":"e"},{"ts":75.11508500000001,"k":" "},{"ts":75.35971500000001,"k":"r"},{"ts":75.47549500000001,"k":"e"},{"ts":75.652395,"k":"i"},{"ts":75.756755,"k":"n"},{"ts":76.73293000000001,"k":"Enter"},{"ts":78.734745,"k":"Enter"},{"ts":78.886165,"k":"Enter"},{"ts":79.03145500000001,"k":"Enter"},{"ts":86.29885,"k":"."},{"ts":116.316445,"k":"T"},{"ts":116.
felipenmoura / navigator.vibrate-visualizer.js
Created October 14, 2016 21:43
Use this to visualize the vibration result from the navigator.vibrate api.
(function (){
const originalVibrate = navigator.vibrate;
navigator.vibrate = function(){
var timer = 0;
var _b = document.body || false;
var curToggleStatus = true;
var previousBodyBorder = || 'none';
function toggle (force) {
 * to ilustrate it better, the idea is that the user will pass
 * two regex(so, they are dynamic).
 * I want to see if there is a way in which we can find out which
 * dynamic rx fits better the requirements

let rx = [

How can I suggest a subject for an episode?!

Please, HELP US!!! Brazil is loosing the war agains corruption! The President of the nation has been mentioned in the corruption investigation...the biggest manifestation in the history of the country happened last sunday agains Lula(the former president) and today, Dilma(the current president) just promoted him as a minister of the "civil house"...that means the investigations on him are going to be way more controllable and full of privilegies!!! The country is in an economic crisis and when Lula went(almost forcefully) to give his statement on his fraud investigation, stocks and currency rose up a lot! Now, with this, the economy goes down again! There is plenty of subject here! Dilma was not elected by the majority of people...the majority of people nulled their votes, or voted blank...ignoring all those votes, she was the most voted! People in Brazil can no longer handle it, but we cannot do anything either! Nothing works! THEY ARE TAKING OVER!! Please he

BrazilJS - Convença seu chefe

A BrazilJS Conf é a principal conferência de JavaScript do Brasil a maior do mundo (sério). Trata-se do maior evento do mundo, sobre JavaScript, com palco único, onde os participantes não perdem nada do conteúdo. O evento já é tradição na comunidade de desenvolvimento Web brasileira. Todos os anos, centenas (+-1000) de desenvolvedores de todos os estados do Brasil e da América Latina(bem como de alguns outros países) comparecem ao que muitos dizem ser, o Woodstock da tecnologia web.


JavaScript é uma linguagem de programação em extrema ascensão, ganhando cada vez mais destaque no mercado e certamente, a linguagem mais apoiada por empresas como Google, Mozilla, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo!, Opera, Adobe, Apple, entre outras gigantes do mercado de tecnologia.
Apesar do nome, a conferência abrange diversos temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento web em geral, como: HTML, CSS, Node.js, SVG, We