How can I suggest a subject for an episode?!
Please, HELP US!!! Brazil is loosing the war agains corruption! The President of the nation has been mentioned in the corruption investigation...the biggest manifestation in the history of the country happened last sunday agains Lula(the former president) and today, Dilma(the current president) just promoted him as a minister of the "civil house"...that means the investigations on him are going to be way more controllable and full of privilegies!!! The country is in an economic crisis and when Lula went(almost forcefully) to give his statement on his fraud investigation, stocks and currency rose up a lot! Now, with this, the economy goes down again! There is plenty of subject here! Dilma was not elected by the majority of people...the majority of people nulled their votes, or voted blank...ignoring all those votes, she was the most voted! People in Brazil can no longer handle it, but we cannot do anything either! Nothing works! THEY ARE TAKING OVER!! Please help us! Bilboards, hashtags, videos, I know you are quite creative! Count on me to help! By the way...there are A LOT of jokes waiting to be told about them!!!! Yes, it is the Brazilian people and THEM, one against the other!