The question of "How do I design my application in Haskell?" comes up a lot. There's a bunch of perspectives and choices, so it makes sense that it's difficult to choose just one. Do I use plain monad transformers, mtl
, just pass the parameters manually and use IO
for everything, the ReaderT
design pattern, free monads, freer monads, some other kind of algebraic effect system?!
The answer is: why not both/all?
Lately, I've been centering on a n application design architecture with roughly three layers:
newtype AppT m a = AppT { unAppT :: ReaderT YourStuff m a } deriving ............
The ReaderT
Design Pattern, essentially. This is what everything gets boiled down to, and what everything eventually gets interpreted in. This type is the backbone of your app. For some components, you carry around some info/state (consider [MonadMetrics