For discussion of
- IF1:
=> useibd
- IF2:
if(m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(blockhash) == nullptr)
=> usesnapshot
- This means we use the snapshot chainstate if we have not seen this block’s header yet, implied from it not being in
- This means we use the snapshot chainstate if we have not seen this block’s header yet, implied from it not being in
- IF3:
if (!m_snapshot_chainstate->m_chain.Contains(pblock)))
=> usesnapshot
- This means we use the snapshot chainstate if the block header is not part of the current best chain (included in
) which can mean we have not validated the full block yet or the block is not part of the best chain after validation
- This means we use the snapshot chainstate if the block header is not part of the current best chain (included in
- FB: fallback => use