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Created September 18, 2018 13:17
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import twitter
import os
from urllib.request import urlopen
from datetime import datetime
import twitter
import pandas as pd
import json
auth = twitter.OAuth(consumer_key = os.environ["COMSUMER_KEY"],
consumer_secret = os.environ["COMSUMER_SECRET"],
token = os.environ["TWITTER_TOKEN"],
token_secret = os.environ["TWITTER_SECRET"])
t = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)
def get_new_articles():
# データ取得
article_api = ""
raw_article_data = urlopen(article_api).read().decode("utf-8")
json_article_data = json.loads(raw_article_data)
articles_data = json_article_data["Items"]
df = pd.DataFrame(articles_data)
# timestamp => datetime
toDatetime = lambda x : datetime.fromtimestamp(int(x))
df["published_at"] = df["published_at"].map(toDatetime)
# 直近10分のデータのみ抽出
isNew = lambda x :( x - <= 600
isToday = lambda x : ==
isNewMask = df["published_at"].map(isNew)
isTodayMask = df["published_at"].map(isToday)
result = df[isTodayMask & isNewMask]
return result
def get_newers(articles):
user_api = ""
newers = []
for article in articles.iterrows():
# 著者の全記事データを取得
user = article[1]["user_id"]
raw_user_data = urlopen(user_api % user).read().decode("utf-8")
json_user_data = json.loads(raw_user_data)
user_articles = json_user_data["Items"]
if len(user_articles) == 1:
# 投稿数1の場合
article_id = user_articles[0]["article_id"]
user_name = get_user_name(user)
title = article[1]["title"]
url = f"{user}/articles/{article_id}"
newer = {"title":title,"user":user_name,"url":url}
return newers
def get_user_name(user_id):
user_api = ""
raw_user_data = urlopen(user_api % user_id).read().decode("utf-8")
user_data = json.loads(raw_user_data)
name = user_data["user_display_name"]
return name
def create_texts(newers):
texts = []
for newer in newers:
text = "#ALISへようこそ\n\n"
text += newer["user"] + "さんの初投稿\n" + newer["title"] + "\n" + newer["url"]
return texts
if __name__ == "__main__":
articles = get_new_articles()
newers = get_newers(articles)
texts = create_texts(newers)
for text in texts:
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