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Geoff Buesing gbuesing

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Dark Sky Attribute Name JSON Path Units (US)
time dt seconds since UNIX epoch
temperature main.temp °F
apparentTemperature N/A N/A
dewPoint main.dew_point °F
humidity main.humidity %
pressure main.pressure hPa
windSpeed wind.speed mph
windGust wind.gust mph
windBearing wind.deg °
Dark Sky Attribute Name JSON Path in Open Meteo Forecast API
time $.forecast.timestamp
summary $
icon $
sunriseTime $.forecast.sunrise
sunsetTime $.forecast.sunset
moonPhase $.forecast.moon_phase
precipIntensity $.forecast.rain
precipProbability $.forecast.probability_of_precipitation
precipType $
Map attributes from the open meteo forecast api to the format used by the Dark Sky API
The Open Meteo Forecast API and the Dark Sky API have different attribute names and structures, so mapping the attributes from one API to another requires some translation. Here's a list of Open Meteo Forecast API attributes and their corresponding Dark Sky API attributes:
Open Meteo Forecast API: "temp"
Dark Sky API: "temperature"
Minimum temperature
Open Meteo Forecast API: "temp_min"
Dark Sky API: "temperatureMin"
Maximum temperature

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gbuesing on github.
  • I am gbuesing ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC44xkHYLkEbRYoSApMVLq2Bxr2c0PxWMbVVszNNqiFmwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

gbuesing / copy_row.sql
Created June 8, 2017 14:16
Copy single row from one Postgres DB into another via psql
# database 1
# output single row in format compatible with INSERT VALUES
\copy (SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected]') To stdout With CSV force quote * null 'NULL' quote ''''
# database 2
# insert values outputted from above command into another database
gbuesing / transloadit_blocking_assembly_runner.rb
Last active November 19, 2016 21:23
Transloadit blocking assembly runner
# Blocks until response received
# Designed to be run from a background job, not in request-response
# Usage:
# assembly = Transloadit::Rails::Engine.template :my_template
# response = assembly
# results = response['results']
module TransloaditBlockingAssemblyRunner
class Error < StandardError; end
class TimeoutError < Error; end
class AssemblyError < Error; end
gbuesing / Gemfile
Last active December 5, 2024 16:31
ActiveJob with resque-scheduler on Heroku
gem 'resque-scheduler'
gbuesing / neo4j_client.rb
Last active June 28, 2016 00:29
Neo4j Data Import Example
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
module Neo4jClient
SERVER = 'http://neo4j:neo4j@localhost:7474'
def self.cypher query, params = {}
resp ="#{SERVER}/db/data/cypher", {query: query, params: params}.to_json, content_type: :json, accept: :json)
JSON.parse resp
// delare WKScriptMessageHandler as delegate
// add to WKWebViewConfiguration init:
configuration.userContentController.addScriptMessageHandler(self, name: "log")
// MARK: WKScriptMessageHandler
func userContentController(userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceiveScriptMessage message: WKScriptMessage) {
if ( == "log") {
// declare WKUIDelegate as a delegate for ApplicationController
lazy var session: TLSession = {
let session = TLSession(webViewConfiguration: self.webViewConfiguration)
session.delegate = self
session.webView.UIDelegate = self // add this
return session
// MARK: WKUIDelegate