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Gareth Coles gdude2002

View GitHub Profile
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:12] <g> but every modification you make has to be done immutably
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:25] <Riking> yeeeeeeah
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:31] <g> don't like it
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:32] <g> :P
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:37] <simon816> seems very memory inefficient
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:42] <g> yeah
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:50] <Riking> Going to need some other kind of value store
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:00] <g> I wrote a little wrapper for snakeyaml
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:00] <g> lol
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:26] <sk89q> gson is on class path I think
gdude2002 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from conatus/

Ello API

This is a basic exploration of the Ello API. Completely unofficial, your mileage my vary, don't smash their servers as they are likely very busy.

Methods return HTML for their representation where appropriate which is a nice little pattern. Everything returns application/json.

Like this:

 "id": ,
# This is proof-of-concept code, so it's rather messy and shit.
# It should however get the point across.
# If anyone has a better way to do this, let me know.
import time
# Time period per record in seconds
(ns IAmDoingItWrong)
(defn main [args]
(println "Hello")

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gdude2002 on github.
  • I am gdude2002 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FDE9 31DA 44AC ABCD 0770 7325 3AD0 7AC1 CBBA 85D6

To claim this, I am signing this object:

<section id="content" class="body center">
$socketdie = "No information avaliable";
function runcmd($cmd, $data = NULL ){
global $socket;
$jsondata = json_encode(array ('password'=>'bingy','command'=>$cmd, $data[0]=>$data[1]))."\r\n";
socket_send($socket, $jsondata, strlen($jsondata),0);
if (($bytes = socket_recv($socket, $buf, 16384, NULL)) == false) die($socketdie);
//echo "raw data = ".$buf."<br>";
return json_decode($buf);
import sys
import os
import datetime
import struct
import urllib
import urllib2
import re
import socket
import cookielib
import threading
import sys
import os
import datetime
import struct
import urllib
import urllib2
import re
import socket
import cookielib
import threading