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Created July 14, 2020 01:48
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bash function for opening up iterm form current directory
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Open new iTerm window from the command line using v3 syntax for applescript as needed in iTerm2 Version 3+
# This script blocks until the cmd is executed in the new iTerm2 window. It then leaves the window open.
# TODO Add option to close iTerm2 after cmd execs
# See also
# Usage:
# iterm Opens the current directory in a new iTerm window
# iterm [PATH] Open PATH in a new iTerm window
# iterm [CMD] Open a new iTerm window and execute CMD
# iterm [PATH] [CMD] ... You can prob'ly guess
# Example:
# iterm ~/Code/HelloWorld ./
# References:
# iTerm AppleScript Examples:
# Credit:
# Forked from
# Inspired by tab.bash by @bobthecow
# link:
# OSX only
[ `uname -s` != "Darwin" ] && echo 'OS X Only' &&return
function iterm () {
local cmd=""
local wd="$PWD"
local args="$@"
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
wd=$(cd "$1"; pwd)
if [ -n "$args" ]; then
# echo $args
osascript <<EOF
tell application "iTerm"
set new_window to (create window with default profile)
set cSession to current session of new_window
tell new_window
tell cSession
delay 1
write text "cd $wd;$cmd"
delay 2
delay 0.1
-- display dialog cSession is at shell prompt
set isdone to is at shell prompt
if isdone then exit repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
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Unfortunately, I could not get this to work (totally lack of skills on my side), which is why I simply moved over to python

Putting this here in case someone might find it useful.

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geyang commented Jul 7, 2022

This works for me! Steps to get it to work:

  1. make a file called .iterm, add this content to it, and place under ~/.iterm
  2. in your ~/.profile, add the following line
    source ~/.iterm
  3. Start a new console, and now do
    iterm .

and it works!!

Tested with zsh and on M1 MBP

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