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Last active March 11, 2019 17:37
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reactiveui at ch9 runsheet

Reactive MVVM on the .NET Platform

nb: I'm not happy with this title, feel free to change it.


Tune in for Jeff and Geoff to learn about reactive programming. A paradigm that allows you to express the idea around a feature in one readable place, abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces and improve the testability of your application.


  1. introduction to reactiveui

    • show website
    • is part of dotnet foundation
    • show that the code is on github
    • supports winforms, wpf and more
    • [call of action]
  2. shoutout to the maintainers (esp new folks)

  3. the reactive extensions were invented at microsoft

  4. introduction to observables

    • single value (object - sync)
    • multiple values (collection - sync)
    • single values over time (task - async)
    • multiple values over time (observable - async)
    • tasks can convert to observables (visa versa)
  5. teach people reactive programming with a spreadsheet

    • demonstrate the concept of whenany

    • Three cells, A, B, and C.

    • C is defined as the sum of A and B.

    • Whenever A or B changes, C reacts to update itself.

    • Now you understand reactive programming

    • Changes propagating throughout a system automatically.

    • Welcome to the peanut butter and jelly of programming paradigms.

  6. introduce open-source examples in the wild

  7. let's pair

  8. additional

    • with winforms/wpf - komnami
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I love the excel example to illustrate reactive programming

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