Do I understand what the change is about? – if no, I do not proceed further and ask the person sending the review for clarifications. Do I understand what is the added value of the change? – if no, I do not proceed further and ask the person sending the review for clarifications. Was the change tested? – there should be at least some degree of an empirical justification that the change works. If there is none, I usually do not proceed further and ask the person sending the review for clarifications. Do I recognise any logical errors? – in my experience those are relatively rarely present, nevertheless good to watch out for. Is the code readable and maintainable in general? – code is written once and it might be read thousands of times. To be efficient in the long run code readability is essential. Can I spot some problems with non-functional requirements e.g. scalability, performance, security? Do I want to own this code? Is it compliant with the code style of the code base? – consistency helps readability.
SELECT [System.Id], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.State], [System.Tags] FROM workitemLinks WHERE (
Web page metrics Time to First Paint - First Paint indicates navigation. It confirms that rendering has started First Contentful Paint - When browser renders the first content in the DOM. Time to Interactive (TTI) - Page has displayed content, Event handlers are registered for most visible elements, page responds within 50 ms - user does not experience jank First Input delay (FID) - It measures the time from a user first interacting with a page to when the browser can respond to the interaction
Optimize user-centric metrics TTI- Do less work Split up large JS bundles by code-splitting
Visual High contrast ratio. Inspect element helps with checking the contrast ratio Avoid communicating information using only color Test using screen readers Semantic elements using aria attributes Hearing Text alterantives for all media content Cognitive Limit animation and autoplaying videos for users by using the prefers-reduced-motion CSS media query Avoid interactions that are timing-based
##Fetch a remote branch git checkout --track origin/<remote_branch_name>
- Building a compiler -
- Writing an interpreter in GO -
- How can you return multiple values from a method in C#?
- What's the difference between ref and out?
- What are the value and reference types in C#?
- What is the base class in C# for all data types?
- What is boxing and unboxing?
- What are pointer types in C#?
- What is the purpose of is and as operators?
- What is encapsulation and how is it implemented in C#?
- What is a struct and how is it different from a class?
- What is an enum?
1. Go here and click Download Now to get nvm installer for windows
2. Close all command consoles
3. Run installer to install nvm
4. Start console and type nvm list to show the current list of node versions installed
5. Install 8.15.0 by running nvm install <version> if you don’t have this specific version
6. Run nvm use <version> to switch to that node version
7. To confirm run nvm list. The version with an asterisk is your current version You can always use node -v :-)