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Ashutosh Singh gladiatorAsh

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raphael-leger / lazyWithRetry.js
Last active July 30, 2024 08:46
React LazyWithRetry
import { lazy } from 'react';
const lazyWithRetry = (componentImport) =>
lazy(async () => {
const pageHasAlreadyBeenForceRefreshed = JSON.parse(
) || 'false'
binoymichael /
Last active April 29, 2017 03:48

Problem: Normal node cluster based deployments are no longer supported in New users get Swarm mode by default.

Solution: Deploy a swarm of nodes, and use your image to export it as a service on the nodes.

Prerequisite - You have already push your image as a public repository on to Docker hub using the file present here -

DISCLAIMER: When running in Swarm mode, docker cloud will create Instances, ELBs, Network Interfaces, Security Groups, VPC etc in your AWS account. Delete them after use or you run the risk of overshooting the Free Tier Usage!

Step 1: Link your cloud.docker to AWS

Rich-Harris /
Last active February 21, 2025 14:48
Stuff I wish I'd known sooner about service workers

Stuff I wish I'd known sooner about service workers

I recently had several days of extremely frustrating experiences with service workers. Here are a few things I've since learned which would have made my life much easier but which isn't particularly obvious from most of the blog posts and videos I've seen.

I'll add to this list over time – suggested additions welcome in the comments or via

Use Canary for development instead of Chrome stable

Chrome 51 has some pretty wild behaviour related to console.log in service workers. Canary doesn't, and it has a load of really good service worker related stuff in devtools.

Teino1978-Corp / MS Perks &
Created November 7, 2015 03:57
Summary of any and all perks when working with Microsoft.

##Perks of Microsoft


####Health and Wellness Care

  • Medical and hospitalization: Two choices for medical insurance. Both with no premium but different deductibles.
    • The two choices on medical plans are a high-deductible health plan (Microsoft puts a chunk of money into the Health Savings Account for you, which covers most of the deductible) and an HMO.
  • With the HMO, you pay basically nothing as long as you only go to Group Health doctors. With the high-deductible plan, you're covered under the local Blue Cross provider which means you can go to just about any doctor in the country. For
fcofdez / gist:04f0f9b01398a9910417
Last active May 28, 2018 20:35
Distributed systems questions

Questions about Distributed systems by @tsantero.

  1. explain the life of an http request.
  2. what does the FLP result teach us?
  3. what is a byzantine failure?
  4. explain CRDTs
  5. explain linearizability.
  6. how does DNS work?
  7. crash-stop vs crash-recovery?
  8. difference between soft and hard real time
momer /
Last active February 28, 2025 02:10
SQL learning Resources for Beginners

There are a number of good introductory SQL resources available for free and online. There are also some paid resources which I recommend for beginners, that are very effective, and well worth expensing in my opinion.

A couple of notes:

  • I haven’t used all of these resources, but they come with strong recommendations around the web or myself/my peers.
  • You absolutely don’t need to use every single resource. Find a couple that work for you, and go to town.
  • You can always reach out to me if you have questions. I always paste this online when people are new to asking very technical questions – it’s not meant to be snarky – it's a gentle guide on how to compose your questions and gather necessary resources in order to best give technical people the information needed to get a quick/effective response:

Video/Class/Mini-course based:

  1. Stanford Self-paced ‘Database’ course
  • The original Coursera
tsiege / The Technical Interview Cheat
Last active March 1, 2025 00:22
This is my technical interview cheat sheet. Feel free to fork it or do whatever you want with it. PLEASE let me know if there are any errors or if anything crucial is missing. I will add more links soon.


I have moved this over to the Tech Interview Cheat Sheet Repo and has been expanded and even has code challenges you can run and practice against!


justinhillsjohnson / gist:5503121
Created May 2, 2013 15:43
1. Site uses a cache buster for expiring .js, .css, and images
2. JavaScript and CSS is minified and concatenated into logical groupings
3. Images have been optimized by ImageOptim (
1. Code does not contain inline JavaScript event listeners