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William Oliveira gnuwilliam

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paulloz /
Last active November 16, 2024 23:26
Visual Studio Code and C# code completion and debugger for Godot

Visual Studio Code and C# code completion and debugger for Godot

Ok, this is a quick document to guide you through the setup of a Godot project in Visual Studio Code.
I'll assume you have a working C# environment installed. Note that on Linux, you might need to install Mono for everything to work fine with Godot 3.x.

1. Install the necessary extensions

First off, make sure you have the following extensions installed and active in Visual Studio Code:

diogobaeder / gist:3891068
Created October 15, 2012 06:27
Carta contra PL de regulamentação da profissão de Analista de Sistemas
Carta finalizada; Abri uma petição pública para ela, e assim que atingirmos mais de 5000 assinaturas enviarei ao Senador, que é relator do projeto.
A petição se encontra em:
Caro Senador Wellington Dias,
buzzedword /
Created September 21, 2012 19:55
Making the web a better place: Bower Hitlist

NEW Organization Repo

Please find the new location for the bower hitlist in Github Orgs, rather than Gists. See you there!


Today, I'm starting a small campaign to make the state of the web better in my own way. With the advent of a unified package system like bower, it has never been easier to improve the lives of developers everywhere!

diogobaeder / gist:3738165
Created September 17, 2012 15:56
Alternative to discard stdout
from contextlib import contextmanager
from StringIO import StringIO
import os
import sys
from unittest import TestCase
class MyTest(TestCase):
def discard_print(self):