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Created September 5, 2017 20:51
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Super cool t-kernel and kNN based imputation method for scRNA-seq data
# cnt: cell x gene matrix (can be raw count or library size normalized, but not log transformed)
impute <- function(cnt, k=30, cores=6, pca.dim=100) {
print(paste0('Starting imputation with ', nrow(cnt), ' cells and ', ncol(cnt), ' genes...'))
print('Performing PCA...')
pca <- prcomp(log(cnt+1), center = T, rank.=pca.dim)$x
impute.cell <- function(count, dist) {
probs <- dt(dist, df=1)
probs <- probs / (sum(probs)+.Machine$double.eps)
colSums(count * probs)
print('Finding nns...')
nn <- get.knn(pca, k=k)
mat <- mclapply(seq_len(nrow(cnt)), function(ix){
impute.cell(cnt[nn$nn.index[ix,],], nn$nn.dist[ix,])
}, mc.cores = cores)
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