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// Widget Params
// Don't edit this, those are default values for debugging (location for Cupertino).
// You need to give your locations parameters through the widget params, more info below.
const widgetParams = JSON.parse((args.widgetParameter != null) ? args.widgetParameter : '{ "LAT" : "46.062" , "LON" : "13.242" , "LOC_NAME" : "Udine" }')
// API KEY, you need an Open Weather API Key
// You can get one for free at: (account needed).
const API_KEY = ""
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-blue; icon-glyph: magic;
// Create your ID on
// Get your api from there and set that in API_WEATHER
// To get CITY_WEATHER means city ID get the longitude and latitute from google maps for your location
// Replace the longitude, latitute and YOUR_API_KEY in the given link and look for your city ID in the resultant text.
// Set that ID to CITY_WEATHER
rudotriton /
Last active August 31, 2024 01:29
Customizable iOS Calendar widget in Scriptable

Scriptable Calendar Widget

scriptable calendar

For ease of maintainability this project has moved from this gist to its own repository. You can go and visit it there.

// Shows latest news from MacStories in a table.
// The table shows an image from the article, if available, and the title of the article.
let inputStr = args.widgetParameter
// if exclude itrms, this meeds to be higger than vLimit
// logError(inputStr)
if ( inputStr == null ) { inputStr = "apollo@scriptable@1@pic@4" }
let vRedditLimit = 15
let vItemCount = 1
var res = inputStr.split("@")
// Shows latest news from MacStories in a table.
// The table shows an image from the article, if available, and the title of the article.
// let rReddit = "scriptable"
let inputStr = args.widgetParameter
// if exclude itrms, this meeds to be higger than vLimit
// logError(inputStr)
if ( inputStr == null ) { inputStr = "apollo@scriptable@1" }
jasonsnell / purpleaqijsnell.js
Last active October 7, 2020 22:42
Purple AQI Widget
I've moved this to a proper GitHub project.
Check it out at:
tzmartin /
Created January 13, 2016 18:27
iOS Settings URL Scheme List

Settings URL schemes:

Note: < i=OS 5.1 use prefs:. > 5.1 use app-settings:

  • app-settings:root=General&path=About
  • app-settings:root=General&path=ACCESSIBILITY
  • app-settings:root=AIRPLANE_MODE
  • app-settings:root=General&path=AUTOLOCK
  • app-settings:root=General&path=USAGE/CELLULAR_USAGE
  • app-settings:root=Brightness