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python console in kivy
"""TODO: ctrl + left/right (move past word), ctrl + backspace/del (del word), shift + del (del line)
...: Smart movement through leading indentation.
...: Except for first line, up/down to work normally on multi-line console input.
from code import InteractiveConsole
from collections import deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain, takewhile
import sys
from kivy.uix.codeinput import CodeInput
from pygments.lexers import PythonConsoleLexer
class Key:
# ANY equals everything! -- if you don't care about matching modifiers, set them equal to Key.ANY
ANY = type('ANY', (), { '__eq__': lambda *args: True,
'__repr__': lambda self: 'ANY',
'__hash__': lambda self: -1})()
code: int
shift: bool = False
ctrl: bool = False
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int): return other == self.code
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def iter_similar(self):
"""Return an iterator that yields keys equal to self."""
yield self
yield Key(self.code, self.shift, Key.ANY)
yield Key(self.code, Key.ANY, self.ctrl)
yield Key(self.code, Key.ANY, Key.ANY)
SHIFT, CTRL = (303, 304), (305, 306)
EXACT = map(Key, (13, 9, 275, 276, 278, 279))
ANY_MODS = (Key(code, Key.ANY, Key.ANY) for code in (273, 274, 8, 127))
= tuple(chain(EXACT, ANY_MODS))
CUT = Key(120, False, True) # <ctrl + c>
COPY = Key(99 , False, True) # <ctrl + x>
REDO = Key(122, True, True) # <ctrl + shift + z>
SELECT_LEFT = Key(276, True, False) # <shift + left>
SELECT_RIGHT = Key(275, True, False) # <shift + right>
SELECT_HOME = Key(278, True, False) # <shift + home>
SELECT_END = Key(279, True, False) # <shift + end>
class RedirectConsoleOut:
"""Redirect sys.excepthook and sys.stdout in a single context manager.
InteractiveConsole (IC) `write` method won't be used if sys.excepthook isn't sys.__excepthook__,
so we redirect sys.excepthook when pushing to the IC. This redirect probably isn't necessary:
testing was done in IPython which sets sys.excepthook to a crashhandler, but running this file
normally would probably avoid the need for a redirect; still, better safe than sorry.
def __init__(self):
self.stack = deque()
def __enter__(self):
self.old_hook = sys.excepthook
self.old_out = sys.stdout
sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__
sys.stdout = StringIO()
def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
sys.stdout = self.old_out
sys.excepthook = self.old_hook
class Console(InteractiveConsole):
def __init__(self, text_input, locals=None, filename="<console>"):
super().__init__(locals, filename)
self.text_input = text_input
self.out_context = RedirectConsoleOut()
def push(self, line):
out = self.out_context
with out: needs_more = super().push(line)
if not needs_more:
self.text_input.text += ''.join(out.stack)
return needs_more
def write(self, data):
class InputHandler:
def __init__(self, text_input):
self.text_input = text_input
self.pre = { COPY: self._copy,
CUT: self._cut,
REDO: self._redo} = { LEFT: self._left,
RIGHT: self._right,
END: self._end,
HOME: self._home,
SELECT_LEFT: self._select_left,
SELECT_RIGHT: self._select_right,
SELECT_END: self._select_end,
SELECT_HOME: self._select_home,
TAB: self._tab,
ENTER: self._enter,
UP: self._up,
DOWN: self._down,
BACKSPACE: self._backspace}
def __call__(self, key, read_only):
if handle := self.pre.get(key): return handle
if read_only: return self._read_only
for key in key.iter_similar():
if handle := return handle
def _copy(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.copy()
def _cut(self, read_only, **kwargs):
self.text_input.copy() if read_only else self.text_input.cut()
def _redo(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.do_redo()
def _left(self, at_home, **kwargs):
if not at_home: self.text_input.move_cursor('left')
def _right(self, at_end, **kwargs):
if not at_end: self.text_input.move_cursor('right')
def _end(self, **kwargs):
def _home(self, **kwargs):
def _select_left(self, at_home, has_selection, _from, _to, **kwargs):
if at_home: return
i = self.text_input.move_cursor('left')
if not has_selection: self.text_input.select_text(i, i + 1)
elif i < _from : self.text_input.select_text(i, _to)
elif i >= _from : self.text_input.select_text(_from, i)
def _select_right(self, at_end, has_selection, _from, _to, **kwargs):
if at_end: return
i = self.text_input.move_cursor('right')
if not has_selection: self.text_input.select_text(i - 1, i)
elif i > _to : self.text_input.select_text(_from, i)
elif i <= _to : self.text_input.select_text(i, _to)
def _select_end(self, has_selection, _to, _from, i, end, **kwargs):
if not has_selection: start = i
elif _to == i : start = _from
else : start = _to
self.text_input.select_text(start, end)
def _select_home(self, has_selection, _to, _from, i, home, **kwargs):
if not has_selection: fin = i
elif _from == i : fin = _to
else : fin = _from
self.text_input.select_text(home, fin)
def _tab(self, has_selection, at_home, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
if not has_selection and at_home: ti.insert_text(' ' * ti.tab_width)
def _enter(self, home, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
text = ti.text[home:]
if text and (len(ti.history) == 1 or ti.history[1] != text):
ti._history_index = 0
needs_more = ti.console.push(text)
def _up(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.input_from_history()
def _down(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.input_from_history(reverse=True)
def _backspace(self, at_home, has_selection, window, keycode, text, modifiers, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
if not at_home or has_selection:
super(ti.__class__, ti).keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers)
def _read_only(self, key, window, keycode, text, modifiers, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
if key.code not in KEYS:
super(ti.__class__, ti).keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers)
class KivyConsole(CodeInput):
prompt_1 = '\n>>> '
prompt_2 = '\n... '
_home_pos = 0
_indent_level = 0
_history_index = 0
def __init__(self, *args, locals=None, banner=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.lexer = PythonConsoleLexer()
self.history = deque([''])
self.console = Console(self, locals)
self.input_handler = InputHandler(self)
if banner is None:
self.text = (f'Python {sys.version.splitlines()[0]}\n'
'Welcome to the KivyConsole -- A Python interpreter widget for Kivy!\n')
else: self.text = banner
def prompt(self, needs_more=False):
if needs_more:
prompt = self.prompt_2
self._indent_level = self.count_indents()
if self.text.rstrip().endswith(':'): self._indent_level += 1
prompt = self.prompt_1
self._indent_level = 0
indent = self.tab_width * self._indent_level
self.text += prompt + ' ' * indent
self._home_pos = self.cursor_index() - indent
def count_indents(self):
return sum(1 for _ in takewhile(str.isspace, self.history[1])) // self.tab_width
def keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers):
"""Emulate a python console: disallow editing of previous console output."""
if keycode[0] in CTRL or keycode[0] in SHIFT and 'ctrl' in modifiers: return
key = Key(keycode[0], 'shift' in modifiers, 'ctrl' in modifiers)
# force `selection_from` <= `selection_to` (mouse selections can reverse the order):
_from, _to = sorted((self.selection_from, self.selection_to))
has_selection = bool(self.selection_text)
i, home, end = self.cursor_index(), self._home_pos, len(self.text)
read_only = i < home or has_selection and _from < home
at_home = i == home
at_end = i == end
kwargs = locals(); del kwargs['self']
if handle := self.input_handler(key, read_only): return handle(**kwargs)
return super().keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers)
def move_cursor(self, pos):
"""Similar to `do_cursor_movement` but we account for `_home_pos` and we return the new cursor index."""
if pos == 'end' : index = len(self.text)
elif pos == 'home' : index = self._home_pos
elif pos == 'left' : index = self.cursor_index() - 1
elif pos == 'right': index = self.cursor_index() + 1
self.cursor = self.get_cursor_from_index(index)
return index
def input_from_history(self, reverse=False):
self._history_index += -1 if reverse else 1
self._history_index = min(max(0, self._history_index), len(self.history) - 1)
self.text = self.text[: self._home_pos] + self.history[self._history_index]
if __name__ == "__main__":
from textwrap import dedent
from import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
KV = """
font_name: './UbuntuMono-R.ttf'
style_name: 'monokai'
class KivyInterpreter(App):
def build(self):
return Builder.load_string(dedent(KV))
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