This guide will cover the basics on how to integrate emacs with protonmail-bridge using
- mu4e
- mbsync
- smtpmail
- protonmail-bridge
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Writing C software without the standard library | |
Linux Edition | |
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There are many tutorials on the web that explain how to build a | |
simple hello world in C without the libc on AMD64, but most of them | |
stop there. | |
I will provide a more complete explanation that will allow you to | |
build yourself a little framework to write more complex programs. |
This guide will cover the basics on how to integrate emacs with protonmail-bridge using
; John McCarthy. Puzzle Solving Program in LISP. Memo 20, Artificial Intelligence Project | |
; | |
; 1960 | |
; Common Lisp translation: Rainer Joswig, 2016, [email protected] | |
; basically the code is unchanged, but using s-expression syntax in Common Lisp | |
(defparameter pzl | |
'((a1 (a2 a5) 7.5) | |
(a2 (a1 a5 a9 a3) 3.5) |
Dumping games is the act of taking a game from your system or gamecart and copying it into a readable format onto your SD card. Dumping is perfectly legal if you keep the dumps to yourself, however sharing these dumps is piracy and is illegal.
This guide will tell you how to dump games from various formats and for various purposes. Dumping 3DS cartriges as .cia files is good if you want to install them to your system. Dumping them as .3ds files is good for emulators. Installed titles cannot be dumped as .3ds files. NDS cartiges can only be dumped as .nds files and cannot be installed (however, you can play them with emulators or flashcarts).
Dumping the RomFS of a game is primarily for romhacking purposess.
This document is now at, please go there instead. It's kept here to avoid breaking links and to preserve history.
Previous versions can be checked out by selecting the "Revisions" tab, and selecting "View file" in the three-dot drop-down menu.
;; Add these faces to custom. I don't know how to set them otherwise. | |
(custom-set-faces | |
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. | |
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. | |
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. | |
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. | |
'(window-divider ((t (:foreground "#161A1F")))) | |
'(window-divider-first-pixel ((t (:foreground "#161A1F")))) | |
'(window-divider-last-pixel ((t (:foreground "gray20"))))) |
Note: I won't update this gist anymore, please see my dotfiles repo for future updates.
Here is a bash/GDB script to fix it (tested on GNU/Linux only):
gdb /usr/bin/telegram-desktop << EOF
tbreak _ZN3App9initMediaEv
Hello software developers,
Please check your code to ensure you're not making one of the following mistakes related to cryptography.
Memory Optimization (Christer Ericson, GDC 2003)
Cache coherency primer (Fabian Giesen)
Code Clinic 2015: How to Write Code the Compiler Can Actually Optimize (Mike Acton)