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Jake Rayson growdigital

Working from home
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hartsick /
Last active April 6, 2023 19:39
My tips for friends thinking of joining Mastodon

A guide for friends considering Mastodon

A lot of my friends have recently been considering leaving Twitter for other networks, and many are considering Mastodon. There are many guides floating about that can tell you about Mastodon and the Fediverse, which is really exciting! It can be overwhelming to sort through them all, though, and honestly I haven't read them since I know my way around.

So, this is the blog version of me sitting down with a friend explaining what I know about Mastodon and how I'd recommend approaching setting up an account there for the first time and getting oriented.

What's in this:

  1. What is the Fediverse / Mastodon?
  2. Why would I want to join?
  3. Where do I start?
markbain /
Last active December 7, 2021 22:57
Shortcuts and aliases #shortcuts #aliases
  • gaa git add --all (sames as -A)
  • gcam "my commit message" git commit -a -m
  • ggp git push origin $(current_branch)
  • gco {master} git checkout
  • gpoat git push origin --all && git push origin --tags
  • gst git status
  • gb git branch
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
niksudan /
Last active March 15, 2025 10:03
How to create a new Minecraft Server with DigitalOcean

Creating a new Minecraft Server

This is a short and simple guide on how to set up a multiplayer server running the latest version of Minecraft.

This guide has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.


Create a new Ubuntu droplet on DigitalOcean. Make sure it has at least 2GB of RAM, and you provide it with your SSH key.

ve3 / typography-and-form.html
Last active April 1, 2024 22:23
Most of HTML elements for styling with your CSS.
<!--You can use for any purpose, think it is MIT license or no license-->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>HTML for styling</title>
<!--add your css here-->
levibostian /
Last active April 15, 2020 20:31
webpack, Tachyons, pug, Vue.js web app.

Today, single page web apps are driving many websites that we use each and every day. Instead of having your browser request a new web page for each and every action you perform on a web page, single page web apps may load all in one request to smoothly and quickly transition with every action you perform.

When building single page web apps, you may decide to retrieve all of the HTML, CSS and Javascript with one single page load or dynamically load these resources as the user moves about your site. Either way, it can be a pain to bundle all of these assets together for the end user to download from your web server. This is where webpack comes into play.

webpack does all of the heavy lifting bundling all of your HTML, CSS and Javascript together. If you write your site all from scratch or depend on dependencies from npm, webpack takes care of packaging it all together for you. It has the ability to take your single page web app, cut out all of the code you don't need, then packa

seoagentur-hamburg / clean-header.php
Created February 23, 2016 19:01
Den Header von WordPress bereinigen
//emoji aus dem header entfernen
function disable_emoji_dequeue_script() {
wp_dequeue_script( 'emoji' );
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'disable_emoji_dequeue_script', 100 );
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7 );
remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
tapickell / Gulpfile.js
Created February 16, 2016 01:46 — forked from Eunoia/Gulpfile.js
Deploy your wintersmith generated static site to amazon S3
var fs = require('fs');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var runWintersmith = require('run-wintersmith');
var s3 = require("gulp-s3");
var options = { headers: {'Cache-Control': 'public'} }
gulp.task('default', function() {
console.log('`gulp deploy` to deploy')