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COnfuSed miNd !!

Gali Ravi Praveen grpnpraveen

COnfuSed miNd !!
  • SriKalahasthi, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
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grpnpraveen / hyperv.bat
Last active July 31, 2023 11:10
Hyper V in Windows 11 Home Single Language
pushd "%~dp0"
dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt
for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
del hyper-v.txt
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL
grpnpraveen / main.cpp
Created March 5, 2023 17:30
Sample GL code
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
//for input and output
using namespace std;
grpnpraveen / Commands.txt
Last active March 6, 2023 19:42
How to run an OpenGL cpp file from Terminal ?
# I Used GLEW and GLFW for this
# @Note I used MSYS2 for this , to download glfw and glew using MSYS2 use below commands
# pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-glfw and pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-glew
# for cpp compiler I used MinGW which can also be downloaded in MSYS2
# Step 1: to generate obj file , basically only compiling
g++ -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o main.obj main.cpp
## Command 1 description
## -O0 means optimisation level 3 , -g3 debugging level 3, -Wall to print all warnings, -c only compile
# Step 2:
grpnpraveen / Steps
Last active March 5, 2023 17:41
Unity ( IntelliSense in VS Code for CSharp Script 2022) -Making It Work
After creating a project follow these steps
1) create a c# script in the Assests folder or somewhere in the project you wish
2) Goto Edit preferences -> External Tools -> select vs code
3) double click on the script (it open vscode)
4) In the Extension tab search C# (install official one by Microsoft)
5)goto Link: -(
6)Install It
7)goto Link: -(
8)Install any sdk (I recommend to go for LTS version)
grpnpraveen /
Last active January 14, 2022 11:12
About Me
# To know copy this entire text and paste it in and run the code..
# I assure you that running this code cause nothing except printing
# text on the screen.
import sys
import time
grpnpraveen / Running Tmux in windows
Created December 20, 2021 19:42
Running Tmux in windows
Tmux is a terminal multiplexer – a popular (even essential) command-line tool that allows one to divide a console/terminal window
into multiple “panes” and render the output of a shell and/or tool in each “pane”, and to switch input between each pane.
After some browsing and researching I finally got a way to run tmux in windows.
Download or install git of version 2.27
and copy the files tmux.exe,msys-event-2-1-7.dll and msys-event_core-2-1-7.dll into
C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin this path.Then simply rerun the git bash.
Link for dll and tmux files:
Done 💯