The default formula use by AWS RDS to calculate the max_connections
parameter is: LEAST({DBInstanceClassMemory/9531392},5000)
But It's hard to find the exact value of DBInstanceClassMemory
So, here are the values I got when I ran the SQL commmand: show max_connections;
in some RDS instances:
Instance type | RAM (GB) | max_connections |
db.t2.small | 2 | 198 |
db.t2.medium | 4 | 413 |
db.t2.large | 8 | 856 |
db.m4.large | 8 | 856 |
db.r4.large | 15.25 | 1660 |
These are default values. You can always change the max_connections
value in the parameters group of your DB.
@guizmaii: any chance you can grab the
for at2.micro