The default formula use by AWS RDS to calculate the max_connections
parameter is: LEAST({DBInstanceClassMemory/9531392},5000)
But It's hard to find the exact value of DBInstanceClassMemory
So, here are the values I got when I ran the SQL commmand: show max_connections;
in some RDS instances:
Instance type | RAM (GB) | max_connections |
db.t2.small | 2 | 198 |
db.t2.medium | 4 | 413 |
db.t2.large | 8 | 856 |
db.m4.large | 8 | 856 |
db.r4.large | 15.25 | 1660 |
These are default values. You can always change the max_connections
value in the parameters group of your DB.
DBInstanceClassMemory returns an integer with the number of memory bytes allocated for the database instance class associated with the current database instance, minus the memory used by the RDS processes that manage the instance.
I don't know if it is possible to consult directly.
In its place I would create a procedure to save this information in a table and from there, I would work with the information.