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Last active July 16, 2023 04:57
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Save hakimabdi/7308bbd6d9d94cf0a1b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This function correlates time series data to produce correlation and significance grids based on the chosen method.
# title : Gridded Correlation of Time Series Raster Data (Gridcorts)
# purpose : Pixelwise time series correlation and significance based on Pearson's r,
# : Spearman's rho or Kendall's tau
# author : Abdulhakim Abdi (@HakimAbdi)
# input : Raster brick comprising two time series of equal number of layers
# output : Raster object of pixelwise correlation, significance or both (i.e. brick)
# : based on the chosen method
# update : Minor based suggestion from Tao Xiong of Northeast Normal University in China.
# data : Test data:!AsHsKb_qtbkwgvoQuHnPaFazPr_XnA?e=fJ9fue
# Please cite this paper if you use this code in a publication
# CITATION: Abdi, Abdulhakim M., et al. "The El Niño–La Niña cycle and recent trends in supply
# and demand of net primary productivity in African drylands." Climatic Change 138.1-2 (2016): 111-125.
gridcorts <- function(rasterstack, method, type=c("corel","pval","both")){
# Values for (layers, ncell, ncol, nrow, method, crs, extent) come straight from the input raster stack
# e.g. nlayers(rasterstack), ncell(rasterstack)... etc.
print(paste("Start Gridcorts:",Sys.time()))
print("Loading parameters")
extent=extent(rasterstack);pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncell, initial = 0)
print("Done loading parameters")
mtrx <- as.matrix(rasterstack,ncol=layers)
empt <- matrix(nrow=ncell, ncol=2)
print("Initiating loop operation")
if (type == "corel"){
for (i in 1:ncell){
if (all([i,1:(layers/2)])) | all([i,((layers/2)+1):layers]))){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,1:(layers/2)]/mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers])) < 4 ){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
empt[i,1] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$estimate)
print("Creating empty raster")
corel <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
extent(corel) <- extent
print("Populating correlation raster")
values(corel) <- empt[,1]
print(paste("Ending Gridcorts on",Sys.time()))
if (type == "pval"){
for (i in 1:ncell){
if (all([i,1:(layers/2)])) | all([i,((layers/2)+1):layers]))){
empt[i,2] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,1:(layers/2)]/mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers])) < 4 ){
empt[i,2] <- NA
} else
empt[i,2] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$p.value)
pval <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
extent(pval) <- extent
print("Populating significance raster")
values(pval) <- empt[,2]
print(paste("Ending Gridcorts on",Sys.time()))
if (type == "both"){
for (i in 1:ncell){
if (all([i,1:(layers/2)])) | all([i,((layers/2)+1):layers]))){
empt[i,] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,1:(layers/2)]/mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers])) < 4 ){
empt[i,] <- NA
} else {
empt[i,1] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$estimate)
empt[i,2] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$p.value)
c <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
p <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
print("Populating raster brick")
values(c) <- empt[,1]
values(p) <- empt[,2]
brk <- brick(c,p)
extent(brk) <- extent
names(brk) <- c("Correlation","Pvalue")
print(paste("Ending Gridcorts on",Sys.time()))
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try this: x <- gridcorts(s, method="pearson", type="both").

And thanks to the Author, i have been searching for something like this for a while!

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try this: x <- gridcorts(s, method="pearson", type="both").

And thanks to the Author, i have been searching for something like this for a while!

Yep, that was the correct fix. Thanks!!

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Hi, I'm glad this was resolved. Please also note that you can user either use "Pearson", "Spearman" or "Kendall" depending on what type of correlation you're interested in.

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poussinc commented Mar 5, 2021


Thanks a lot for your code I want to do exactly that for temperature and NDWI. I just have a question concerning the two plots that you put on your blog.

Do you have the code for this? I am blocked with cg1 and now I don't know what to do ?

Thanks again : )

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hakimabdi commented Mar 8, 2021 via email

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Thanks Hakim for your answer. Maybe I do something wrong in the script because i Have this result:


and so I cannot see the images. Maybe you have an idea because I have this result ?

Thanks a lot Charlotte

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hakimabdi commented Mar 15, 2021 via email

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fgashakamba commented Jun 27, 2021

Hello Hakim,
I have been looking for a solution like this. However, I am getting an error:

[1] "Start Gridcorts: 2021-06-27 20:51:27"
[1] "Loading parameters"
[1] "Done loading parameters"
[1] "Initiating loop operation"
==========Error in match.arg(alternative) : 'arg' must be of length 1
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)

Warning messages:
1: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
2: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
3: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
4: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
5: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
6: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
7: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
8: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
9: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
10: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
11: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
12: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
13: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
14: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
15: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
16: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
17: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
18: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
19: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero
20: In cor(x, y) : the standard deviation is zero

Can you point me in the right direction to resolve this?

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hakimabdi commented Jul 1, 2021 via email

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poussinc commented Jul 6, 2021

Hi Hakim,

thank you very much for your code, it is amazing!
Here we calculate the correlation at time lag 0. I want to observe the time lag response and the maximum correlation at time lag = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Do you have an idea how to do this with raster brick data ?

thank you in advance

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Warning in install.packages :
package ‘gridcorts’ is not available (for R version 3.6.3)

#while executing the package on data
Error in gridcorts(rasterstack = rstack, method = "pearson", type = "both") :
could not find function "gridcorts"
Timing stopped at: 0 0 0

Could you help me to solve this issue?

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Tirthankar97 commented Apr 20, 2022

library (raster) library(spatial)library(rgdal)library(rgeos)library(sp)library(maptools)library(Kendall)`

setwd ("E:/Central University of Jharkhand/M.Sc dissertation")

D <- ("E:/Central University of Jharkhand/M.Sc dissertation/DEMClipped.tif")
DEM <- raster ("DEMClipped.tif")
Temp <- ("E:/Central University of Jharkhand/M.Sc dissertation/MAAT_Clipped.tif")
MAAT <- raster ("MAAT_Clipped.tif")

s <- stack (DEM, MAAT)
a <- length (MAAT)
b <- length (DEM)

#Slope Function
fun = function(x) {if ([1])) else {lm(x[1] ~ x[2])$coefficients[2]}}
slope <- calc(s, fun)

I am using this code to run a linear regression between the temperature raster layer and DEM. But in slope, I am NA and NA as max and min values and thereafter a blank map when I am plotting the same. Please help! I need to calculate Lapse rate raster from it.

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rlee26 commented Jun 12, 2023


I am excited to use this code. When I try to run the code with the sample data I can't get it to not give me NAs. Am I reading in the files incorrectly?

rstack <- stack(npp,rainfall)
cg1 <- gridcorts(rasterstack = rstack, method = "spearman",type="both")

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rlee26 commented Jun 12, 2023

I figured out I need to use the "stack" function to read in all the bands of the raster. The gridcorts function works now.

For example:

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Thank you very much. Please tell me how to get the correlation image?
rstack <- stack(npp,rainfall)
gridcorts <- function(rasterstack, method, type=c("corel","pval","both")){

Values for (layers, ncell, ncol, nrow, method, crs, extent) come straight from the input raster stack

e.g. nlayers(rasterstack), ncell(rasterstack)... etc.

print(paste("Start Gridcorts:",Sys.time()))
print("Loading parameters")
extent=extent(rasterstack);pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncell, initial = 0)
print("Done loading parameters")
mtrx <- as.matrix(rasterstack,ncol=layers)
empt <- matrix(nrow=ncell, ncol=2)
print("Initiating loop operation")
if (type == "corel"){
for (i in 1:ncell){
if (all([i,1:(layers/2)])) | all([i,((layers/2)+1):layers]))){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,1:(layers/2)]/mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers])) < 4 ){
empt[i,1] <- NA
} else
empt[i,1] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$estimate)
print("Creating empty raster")
corel <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
extent(corel) <- extent
print("Populating correlation raster")
values(corel) <- empt[,1]
print(paste("Ending Gridcorts on",Sys.time()))
if (type == "pval"){
for (i in 1:ncell){
if (all([i,1:(layers/2)])) | all([i,((layers/2)+1):layers]))){
empt[i,2] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,1:(layers/2)]/mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers])) < 4 ){
empt[i,2] <- NA
} else
empt[i,2] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$p.value)
pval <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
extent(pval) <- extent
print("Populating significance raster")
values(pval) <- empt[,2]
print(paste("Ending Gridcorts on",Sys.time()))
if (type == "both"){
for (i in 1:ncell){
if (all([i,1:(layers/2)])) | all([i,((layers/2)+1):layers]))){
empt[i,] <- NA
} else
if (sum(![i,1:(layers/2)]/mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers])) < 4 ){
empt[i,] <- NA
} else {
empt[i,1] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$estimate)
empt[i,2] <- as.numeric(cor.test(mtrx[i,1:(layers/2)], mtrx[i,((layers/2)+1):layers],method=method)$p.value)
c <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
p <- raster(nrows=nrow,ncols=ncol,crs=crs)
print("Populating raster brick")
values(c) <- empt[,1]
values(p) <- empt[,2]
brk <- brick(c,p)
extent(brk) <- extent
names(brk) <- c("Correlation","Pvalue")
print(paste("Ending Gridcorts on",Sys.time()))

cg1 <- gridcorts(rasterstack = rstack, method = "spearman",type="both")

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