#Rocket League API
All requests seem to be to the domain https://psyonix-rl.appspot.com. There are several endpoints on this domain.
Endpoint | Purpose |
/callproc105/ | Leaderboard, player statistics |
/Population/GetPopulation/ | Player counts/regions |
/login105/ | Authentication, obtaining session ids |
/Population/UpdatePlayerCurrentGame/ | Tell the population tracker where the player currently is playing? |
Some of these endpoints, like /callproc105/ can perform multiple function depending on the parameters passed.
Most of the endpoints seem to be called with the same headers set. Some of these may not be required.
Name | Value | Note |
Host | psyonix-rl.appspot.com | |
User-Agent | UE3-TA,UE3Ver(10897) | |
Cache-Control | no-cache | |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | |
DBVersion | 00.03.0011-00.01.0011 | |
DB | BattleCars_Prod | |
SessionID | your current session id | Obtained from the /login105/ endpoint. This is obviously unique for each session. Seems to expire if unused for a while. |
CallProcKey | your call proc key | I am unsure what this does and if it's sensitive or not. It seems to be the same for every session. |
Authentication endpoint.
This endpoint needs the header LoginSecretKey. I am unsure if this is confidential or not.
Send a POST request to this endpoint containing the parameters in the table below (url encoded). If successful, the response content will be "1", and a SessionID will be returned as a header.
Parameter | Description |
PlayerName | Steam (or psn?) name of the player |
PlayerID | Steam (or psn? idklol) name of the player |
Platform | Steam,PSN |
BuildID | Rocket league build id? (144590275 in rocket league) |
AuthCode | Can be omitted. On PC this might be the token from SteamWorks InitGameConnection. |
Multi purpose endpoint.
Proc | Arguments | Description |
GetSkillLeaderboard | leaderboardId | Gets skill for a ranked leaderboard. leaderboardId: 10: 1v1, 11: 2v2, 12: 3v3s, 13: 3v3 |
GetSkillLeaderboardValueForUserSteam | steamId, leaderboardId | |
GetSkillLeaderboardRankForUsersSteam | leaderboardId, steamId(needs exactly 100, pad with 0s) | |
GetSkillLeaderboardRankForUsersPSN | leaderboardId, psnId(needs exactly 100, pad with 0s) | |
GetLeaderboard | leaderboardId, count?(always 100) | Gets a stats leaderboard. leaderboardId: Wins,Assists,Shots,Saves,MVPs,Goals |
GetLeaderboardValueForUserSteam | steamId, leaderboardId | |
GetLeaderboardRankForUsersSteam | leaderboardId, steamId(needs exactly 100, pad with 0s) | |
GetLeaderboardRankForUsersPSN | leaderboardId, psnId(needs exactly 100, pad with empty strings) | |
GetRegionList | ???(is INTv2 for me) | |
GetSeasonalRewards | ||
GetGenericDataAll | ||
GetPlayerTitlesSteam | steamId | |
GetPlayerProductAwardsSteam | steamId |
17-12-2015: Changes to the login mechanism. The auth endpoint URL has changed. Checking if there is anything else.
Hello, I'm a new developer and I am curious how I can make a request to one of these endpoints. Everything I try seems to result in "script error: "
Thank you for your help!