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Rocket League API Documentation

#Rocket League API


All requests seem to be to the domain There are several endpoints on this domain.

Endpoint Purpose
/callproc105/ Leaderboard, player statistics
/Population/GetPopulation/ Player counts/regions
/login105/ Authentication, obtaining session ids
/Population/UpdatePlayerCurrentGame/ Tell the population tracker where the player currently is playing?

Some of these endpoints, like /callproc105/ can perform multiple function depending on the parameters passed.


Most of the endpoints seem to be called with the same headers set. Some of these may not be required.

Name Value Note
User-Agent UE3-TA,UE3Ver(10897)
Cache-Control no-cache
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
DBVersion 00.03.0011-00.01.0011
DB BattleCars_Prod
SessionID your current session id Obtained from the /login105/ endpoint. This is obviously unique for each session. Seems to expire if unused for a while.
CallProcKey your call proc key I am unsure what this does and if it's sensitive or not. It seems to be the same for every session.

/login105/ endpoint

Authentication endpoint.

This endpoint needs the header LoginSecretKey. I am unsure if this is confidential or not.

Send a POST request to this endpoint containing the parameters in the table below (url encoded). If successful, the response content will be "1", and a SessionID will be returned as a header.

Parameter Description
PlayerName Steam (or psn?) name of the player
PlayerID Steam (or psn? idklol) name of the player
Platform Steam,PSN
BuildID Rocket league build id? (144590275 in rocket league)
AuthCode Can be omitted. On PC this might be the token from SteamWorks InitGameConnection.

/callproc105/ endpoint

Multi purpose endpoint.

Proc Arguments Description
GetSkillLeaderboard leaderboardId Gets skill for a ranked leaderboard. leaderboardId: 10: 1v1, 11: 2v2, 12: 3v3s, 13: 3v3
GetSkillLeaderboardValueForUserSteam steamId, leaderboardId
GetSkillLeaderboardRankForUsersSteam leaderboardId, steamId(needs exactly 100, pad with 0s)
GetSkillLeaderboardRankForUsersPSN leaderboardId, psnId(needs exactly 100, pad with 0s)
GetLeaderboard leaderboardId, count?(always 100) Gets a stats leaderboard. leaderboardId: Wins,Assists,Shots,Saves,MVPs,Goals
GetLeaderboardValueForUserSteam steamId, leaderboardId
GetLeaderboardRankForUsersSteam leaderboardId, steamId(needs exactly 100, pad with 0s)
GetLeaderboardRankForUsersPSN leaderboardId, psnId(needs exactly 100, pad with empty strings)
GetRegionList ???(is INTv2 for me)
GetPlayerTitlesSteam steamId
GetPlayerProductAwardsSteam steamId


17-12-2015: Changes to the login mechanism. The auth endpoint URL has changed. Checking if there is anything else.

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Hello, I'm a new developer and I am curious how I can make a request to one of these endpoints. Everything I try seems to result in "script error: "

Thank you for your help!

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@hansihe How did you find this? Was this pulled from snooping into an app or wiresharking the game? Thanks.

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looks like it doesnt work after a new patch, eh?

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jomo commented Mar 16, 2016

In case anyone else tried to figure out what SteamWorks' InitGameConnection is and only found this gist mentioning it, the API method is actually called InitiateGameConnection. More information here.

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MrPh1l commented Mar 16, 2016

I updated some stuff here if you wanna update your gist with mine.

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I used WireShark while trading and I saw TCP/TLSv1.2 packets going to that It probably uses a Steam Auth session, but I really want to know the endpoints and inner-workings of this system.

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Okay I am pretty sure most of this gist won't work anymore. You need to init a SteamWorks token, get a session ID with the endpoint, then generate a PsySig header. I have no idea what crypt algo they use for the header, or even what they feed the algorithm with. All i know is that you will always get a request error if you modify the headers/request body

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pfeiferj commented Jul 5, 2017

The PsySig header appears to be a base64 string, this can be deduced by the fact that it tends to have equal signs as padding. Upon decoding the base 64, you get 32 bytes of binary data. This leads me to believe that the psysig is some form of a sha256 hash. The tricky bit is figuring out what it's a hash of. My guess is that it's a hash of the body of the request with a pepper.

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The responses all have PsySig headers as well. However, there's also a PsyTime header on those which is a unix timestamp. If you get two of the exact same responses back within the same second, the PsySig is the same.

However, I'm not sure this "PsyTime" is part of the client-side hashing since it's not included as a header and the server would have no way to validate it without doing a ton of different hashes of times. Requests that I replay stay valid for a long time.

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paralin commented Feb 5, 2018

PsySig is almost 100% a sha256 based signature using some key.

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@pfeiferj @paralin You are both right 😄
See my repository for more information

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