UPDATE: A faster (20x) approach for running Stable Diffusion using MLIR/Vulkan/IREE is available on Windows:
conda create --name sd39 python=3.9 -y
conda activate sd39
pip install diffusers==0.3.0
pip install transformers
pip install onnxruntime
pip install onnx
You can download the nightly onnxruntime-directml release from the link below
Run python --version
to find out, which whl file to download.
- If you are on Python3.7, download the file that ends with **-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl.
- If you are on Python3.8, download the file that ends with **-cp38-cp38m-win_amd64.whl
- and likewise
pip install ort_nightly_directml-1.13.0.dev20220908001-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl --force-reinstall
This apporach is faster than downloading the onnx models files.
- Download diffusers/scripts/convert_stable_diffusion_checkpoint_to_onnx.py to your working directory. You can try the command below to download the script.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huggingface/diffusers/main/scripts/convert_stable_diffusion_checkpoint_to_onnx.py
- Run
huggingface-cli.exe login
and provide huggingface access token. - Convert the model using the command below. Models are stored in
python convert_stable_diffusion_checkpoint_to_onnx.py --model_path="CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4" --output_path="./stable_diffusion_onnx"
Here is an example python code for stable diffusion pipeline using huggingface diffusers.
from diffusers import StableDiffusionOnnxPipeline
pipe = StableDiffusionOnnxPipeline.from_pretrained("./stable_diffusion_onnx", provider="DmlExecutionProvider")
prompt = "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars"
image = pipe(prompt).images[0]
Thank you @claforte @harishanand95 for your efforts at making Stable Diffusion more accessible. I run an RX 580, GFX803 which seems to have lost AMD ROCM support long ago. Still, the internet is full of workarounds that do not work in my experience. Looking forward to your guy's hard work to get us to use the open-source API method.