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#!/bin/bash | |
#Heith Seewald 2012 | |
#Feel free to extend/modify to meet your needs. | |
#Maya on Ubuntu v.1 | |
#This is the base installer... I’ll add more features in later versions. | |
#if you have any issues, feel free email me at [email protected] | |
#### Lets run a few checks to make sure things work as expected. | |
#Make sure we’re running with root permissions. | |
if [ `whoami` != root ]; then | |
echo Please run this script using sudo | |
echo Just type “sudo !!” | |
exit | |
fi | |
#Check for 64-bit arch | |
if [uname -m != x86_64]; then | |
echo Maya will only run on 64-bit linux. | |
echo Please install the 64-bit ubuntu and try again. | |
exit | |
fi | |
#Setup a few vars | |
export MAYAINSTALL='mayaTempInstall' | |
export INSTALLFILE="Autodesk_Maya_2014_SP1_English_Linux_64bit.tgz" | |
export RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr | |
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/R7/lib64/ | |
LIBCRYPTO="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.0.9.8" | |
LIBSSL="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8" | |
MAYAURL="http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/service_packs/Autodesk_Maya_2014_SP1_English_Linux_64bit.tgz" | |
PRODUCTID="657F1" | |
#Install Message | |
echo "You’re about to download and install Autodesk Maya 2014" | |
echo "" | |
echo "Do you wish to continue [Y/n]?" | |
read RESPONSE | |
case "$RESPONSE" in | |
n*|N*) | |
echo "Install Terminated" | |
exit 0; | |
esac | |
#Get serial number | |
echo "If you have not already done so, you can get your serial number from: http://students.autodesk.com" | |
echo "Enter the serial number" | |
echo "" | |
#Create a temp folder for the install files | |
if [ ! -d "$HOME/$MAYAINSTALL" ]; then | |
echo "Creating $MAYAINSTALL folder" | |
echo "" | |
fi | |
sudo chmod -R 777 $INSTALLDIR | |
#Now check to see if you already have maya downloaded and in the install folder. | |
if [ -f $INSTALLDIR/$INSTALLFILE ]; then | |
#Make sure the install file is complete. | |
MAYA_INSTALL_HASH=$(md5sum -b $INSTALLDIR/$INSTALLFILE | awk '{print $1}') | |
if [ "$MAYA_INSTALL_HASH" = "c4f709095760803d19e413093d7d5ab7" ]; then | |
echo "Maya install file found and verified... skipping download" | |
else | |
echo "Maya file found, but it's not complete. We'll try the download again" | |
wget --referer="http://trial.autodesk.com" --content-disposition $MAYAURL | |
fi | |
else | |
echo "Maya install file not found. We'll download it now." | |
wget --referer="http://trial.autodesk.com" --content-disposition $MAYAURL | |
fi | |
# Install Dependencies | |
sudo apt-get install csh tcsh libaudiofile-dev libglw1-mesa elfutils gamin libglw1-mesa-dev mesa-utils xfs xfstt ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi alien | |
sleep 3s | |
# Extract Maya Install Files | |
# Convert rpms to debs | |
for i in $INSTALLDIR/*.rpm; do sudo alien -cv $i; done | |
sleep 2s | |
#install the debs | |
sudo dpkg -i $INSTALLDIR/*.deb | |
#Setup For Mental Ray. | |
sudo mkdir /usr/tmp | |
sudo chmod 777 /usr/tmp | |
#Required for license to install | |
sudo cp libadlmPIT.so.7 /usr/lib/libadlmPIT.so.7 | |
sudo cp libadlmutil.so.7 /usr/lib/libadlmutil.so.7 | |
# License Setup: | |
sudo echo -e 'MAYA_LICENSE=unlimited\nMAYA_LICENSE_METHOD=standalone' > /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/bin/License.env | |
#Notice the lack of sudo. | |
/usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/bin/adlmreg -i S $PRODUCTID $PRODUCTID 2014.0.0.F $SERIALNUMBER /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2014/MayaConfig.pit | |
# symbolic links: | |
# Its preferred to use the libssl and libcrypto that’s included with your system... so we’ll try that first. | |
# We’ll use the files included by autodesk as a fallback | |
#Libssl Link | |
if [ -f "$LIBSSL" ] | |
then | |
echo "$LIBSSL found. Using it." | |
ln -s $LIBSSL /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/lib/libssl.so.10 | |
else | |
echo "$LIBSSL not found. Using Autodesk’s libssl" | |
sudo ln -s /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/support/openssl/libssl.so.6 /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/lib/libssl.so.10 | |
fi | |
#LibCrypto Link | |
if [ -f "$LIBCRYPTO" ] | |
then | |
echo "$LIBCRYPTO found. Using it." | |
ln -s $LIBCRYPTO /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/lib/libcrypto.so.10 | |
else | |
echo "$LIBCRYPTO not found. Using Autodesk’s libssl" | |
sudo ln -s /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/support/openssl/libcrypto.so.6 /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/lib/libcrypto.so.10 | |
fi | |
# libtiff | |
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtiff.so.5.1.0 /usr/lib/libtiff.so.3 | |
sleep 2s | |
#Everything should work now... | |
echo "Installation Complete." | |
echo "" | |
echo "Start Maya Now?" | |
read RUNNOW | |
case "$RUNNOW" in | |
n*|N*) | |
echo "You can run maya any time by typing maya into the terminal" | |
exit 0; | |
esac | |
maya |
The installation runs succesfully, but when i try to run maya:
~ $ sudo LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose maya
libGL: screen 0 does not appear to be DRI2 capable
libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/tls/swrast_dri.so
libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/swrast_dri.so
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
maya encountered a fatal error
Signal: 11 (Unknown Signal)
Fatal Error. Attempting to save in /usr/tmp/root.20140113.1639.ma
Segmentation fault
But when I boot in softwer rendering mode, it works. Any idea?
Is there an error log that can tell me why Maya doesn't start up? I ran the 2014/Ubuntu 12.04 fork of this script: https://gist.github.com/insomniacUNDERSCORElemon/5555214
What I get is that maya.bin runs but no window comes up. Looking at Monitor, maya.bin starts at 50% cpu utilization, then goes to a steady 8%. No windows pop up at any time, no errors in the terminal. Does Maya have an error log that reveals what went wrong? (I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 on a Dell 1545; the install script ran all the way through).
UPDATE: running Heith's current script (2014-01-26), intended for Ubuntu 13.04, successfully installed Maya 2014 on my Ubuntu 12.04 Heith, you are god, and your wife is hot. Thank you!
Silly question, I want to remove maya. How do I go about this? Just grep and delete all directories?
Is there a script already available for 13.10? I'm dying to get it. Thanks.
I tried to run this script under Ubuntu 14.04 and installed it without evident error, but when ask me "start Maya now ?", just it says " ./mayaOnUbuntu.sh: /usr/local/bin/maya: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory". What is wrong ?
You most likely need to install it. Use "tcsh" instead using "sudo apt-get install tcsh". I'm surprised that it isn't already installed on your system as I'm pretty sure it was installed by default on my installation of Ubuntu 14.04.
Actually just noticed that in the script above it actually does the install of "tcsh".
# Install Dependencies
sudo apt-get install csh tcsh libaudiofile-dev libglw1-mesa elfutils gamin libglw1-mesa-dev mesa-utils xfs xfstt ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi alien
sleep 3s
If xfs
won't install (Package 'xfs' has no installation candidate) you need to add the saucy repo:
echo 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy main universe' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra.list apt-get update
I have updated the above script to work with Maya 2015 SP5 and Ubuntu 14.04
Notice that there are a few commands to run after the script have finished and they are at the bottom of the gist
If anyone wants a version for Maya 2016 SP4, I have it here: https://gist.github.com/z3ntu/8ed3fd920ebd8651dd87
an interesting script using Debian : http://etoia.free.fr/?p=1611 with alternative to alien, RPM tricks using setup command. Don't know if it work on Debian Wheezy + Maya 2014.