We've been dicussing the Aldryn CMS installer and what it needs to make it a very good tool that serve's it's puprose very well.
First i gonna define what I, as a user, believe what an installer must do.
I believe in 80% and more it's the new and/or caual user wanting to testdrive, or setting up the system once a year for development.
Experts, longterm and production use will and should always be handled with automated deployments(ansible, chef, puppet), selfmade distribution packages(rpm, deb,..) and such!
That means the installer must be able, to get a ready to use CMS system, for simple use cases, installed as simple and fast as possible, allowing the user to add more specific settings, further features and adjustments and extensions of functionally later as needed.
Here we realize: Its not only the installer, but a combination of documentation, configurability, extensibility, adjustability of the system itself, and the installer has to prepare a system that works well and easy as fast as possible, w