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Created May 2, 2015 21:26
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fix-mtu script
# script to find and set the right mtu
# Usage
# fix-mtu [INTERFACE]
# When not INTERFACE given, wlan0 is used as default.
# check if an interface was given
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "not interface given, using default"
set -u
echo "checking for good mtu setting for $INTERFACE"
# Start with 1500 size
# ping with non defrag packets and decrease
# until fitting size is found
while ! ping -I $INTERFACE -c 1 -s $NUM -M do; do
(( NUM -= 1 ))
let RIGHT=NUM+28
echo "setting calculated working MTU as $RIGHT"
sudo ip link set dev $INTERFACE mtu $RIGHT
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