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- Rigid body
- Constrained dynamics
- Position-based dynamics
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# Rigid body theory
## Collision reaction
For two colliding rigid bodies, we write:
- $I_i$ : moment of inertia
- $m_i$ : mass
- $v_i, \hat{v}_i$ : velocity of center of mass (before and after the collision)
- $A_i$ : body frame (i.e. SO(3))
- $w_i, \hat{w}_i$ : angular velocity (in body frame) (before and after the collision)
- $r_i$ : collision point from center of mass (in world frame)
- $v_{r_i}, \hat{v}_{r_i}$ : velocity collision point (before and after the collision)
- $e$ : COR (coefficient of restitution)
- $n = n_{21} = - n_{12}$ : collision normal ("direction" from body 1 to body 2) (in world frame).
We define impulse $j_{21}$ from body 1 to body 2 by:
- $j_{21} \equiv \int_{[0, \delta]} f_{21} \parallel n_{21}$,
and we write $j = j_{21} = - j_{12} = a n$ with $a \in R_{\ge 0}$.
Then, from Newton's 2nd law,
- $\hat{v} - v = \frac{j}{m}$.
From Euler's equation,
- $A I (\hat{w} - w) = r \times j$.
From "restituion" equation,
- $n \cdot (\hat{v}_{r_2} - \hat{v}_{r_1}) = - e n \cdot (v_{r_2} - v_{r_1})$.
Also, velocity of point on rigid body in world frame is:
- $v_r = v + A (w \times (A^{-1} r))$.
From these equations, we can solve variable $a$.
First, we see,
&n \cdot (\hat{v}_{r_2} - \hat{v}_{r_1}) = - e n \cdot (v_{r_2} - v_{r_1}) \\
n \cdot (\hat{v}_{r_2} - v_{r_2}) - n \cdot (\hat{v}_{r_1} - v_{r_1})
= - (1 + e) n \cdot(v_{r_2} - v_{r_1}).
Next, we see,
\hat{v}_r - v_r
&= (\hat{v} - v) + A ((\hat{w} - w) \times (A^{-1} r)) \\
&= \frac{j}{m} + A \ll( \ll( I^{-1} A^{-1} (r \times j) \rr) \times (A^{-1} r) \rr) \\
&= \frac{j}{m} + \ll( A I^{-1} A^{-1} (r \times j) \rr) \times r.
So, especially:
\hat{v}_{r_2} - v_{r_2}
&= a \ll( \frac{n}{m_2} + \ll( A_2 I_2^{-1} A_2^{-1} (r_2 \times n) \rr) \times r_2 \rr) \\
\hat{v}_{r_1} - v_{r_1}
&= - a \ll( \frac{n}{m_1} + \ll( A_1 I_1^{-1} A_1^{-1} (r_1 \times n) \rr) \times r_1 \rr).
Therefore, we have:
&n \cdot (\hat{v}_{r_2} - v_{r_2}) - n \cdot (\hat{v}_{r_1} - v_{r_1}) \\
a \ll(
\frac{1}{m_1} + \frac{1}{m_2} +
n \cdot
\ll( A_1 I_1^{-1} A_1^{-1} (r_1 \times n) \rr) \times r_1 +
\ll( A_2 I_2^{-1} A_2^{-1} (r_2 \times n) \rr) \times r_2
and we obtain:
a =
- (1 + e) n \cdot(v_{r_2} - v_{r_1})
\frac{1}{m_1} + \frac{1}{m_2} +
n \cdot
\ll( A_1 I_1^{-1} A_1^{-1} (r_1 \times n) \rr) \times r_1 +
\ll( A_2 I_2^{-1} A_2^{-1} (r_2 \times n) \rr) \times r_2
## Coulomb friction for collision reaction
## Contact force
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## Constrained dynamics
- $G : \RR^n \to \RR^k$,
- $\bb{D}G_x \in \RR^{k \xx n}$ (we often omit argument $x$, i.e. $\bb{D}G \in \RR^{k \xx n}$),
- $x : \RR \to \RR^n : t \mapsto x_t$ (we often omit argument $t$,
so we write e.g. $x \in \RR$, $\dot{x} \in \RR$, etc...),
- $M \in \RR^{n \xx n}$
### Prop. 1 (Sufficient condition for zero constraint work principle)
- $\del_t G(x_t) = \bb{0} \in \RR^k$,
- $\lambda \in \RR^k$,
- $\hat{f} = \bb{D}G^T \lambda \in \RR^n$,
then $\hat{f}^T \dot{x} = \bb{0}$.
If we write $\hat{f}_i \equiv \bb{D}G_i^T \lambda_i \parallel \bb{D}G_i^T$,
then $\hat{f} = \sum_i \hat{f}_i$ and this represents each $\hat{f}_i$ comes from
corresponding constraint $G_i$.
We see that:
\hat{f}^T \dot{x}
= (\bb{D}G \lambda)^T \dot{x}
= \lambda^T \bb{D}G \dot{x}
= \lambda^T \del_t G(x_t) = 0.
### Prop. 2 (Instantaneous constraint force formula)
- $\del_t^2 G(x_t) = \bb{0} \in \RR^{k}$,
- $\lambda \in \RR^k$,
- $\hat{f} = \bb{D}G^T \lambda \in \RR^n$,
- $M \ddot{x} = f + \hat{f}$,
\lambda = - (\bb{D}G M^{-1} \bb{D}G^T)^{-1} (\bb{D}G M^{-1} f + \bb{D}^2 G(\dot{x}, \dot{x})).
Noting that
\del_t^2 G(x_t) = \del_t (\bb{D}G \dot{x}) = \bb{D}G \ddot{x} + \bb{D}^2 G(\dot{x}, \dot{x})
we see:
&= \bb{D}G \ddot{x} + \bb{D}^2 G(\dot{x}, \dot{x}) \\
&= \bb{D}G M^{-1} (f + \hat{f}) + \bb{D}^2 G(\dot{x}, \dot{x}) \\
&= \bb{D}G M^{-1} (f + \bb{D}G^T \lambda) + \bb{D}^2 G(\dot{x}, \dot{x}) \\
&= \bb{D}G M^{-1} \bb{D}G^T \lambda + \bb{D}G M^{-1} f + \bb{D}^2 G(\dot{x}, \dot{x}).
### Prop. 3 (Inequality constraint is quadratic problem)
- $M \ddot{x} = f + \hat{f}$,
- $\del_t^2 G(x) \ge \bb{0} \in \RR^{k}$,
- $\bb{D}G_i \ne \bb{0} \in \RR^n$,
- $\lambda \ge \bb{0} \in \RR^k$,
- $\hat{f}_i = \bb{D}G_i^T \lambda_i \in \RR^n$,
- $\hat{f} = \sum_i \hat{f_i} = \bb{D}G^T \lambda \in \RR^n$,
- $
\forall i.~
(\del_t^2 G_i(x) > 0 \implies \hat{f_i} = \bb{0}) \wedge
(\hat{f_i} \ne \bb{0} \implies \del_t^2 G_i(x) = 0)
- $A \lambda + b \ge \bb{0}$,
- $\lambda^T (A \lambda + b) = 0$,
- $A = \bb{D}G M^{-1} \bb{D}G^T \in \RR^{k \xx k}$,
- $b = \bb{D}G M^{-1} f + \bb{D}^2 G(\dot{x}, \dot{x}) \in \RR^k$.
Since $\bb{D}G_i \ne \bb{0} \in \RR^n$, we have $\hat{f_i} = \bb{0} \iff \lambda_i = 0$,
and thus:
&(\del_t^2 G_i(x) > 0 \implies \hat{f_i} = \bb{0}) \wedge
(\hat{f_i} \ne \bb{0} \implies \del_t^2 G_i(x) = 0) \\
(\del_t^2 G_i(x) > 0 \implies \lambda_i = 0) \wedge
(\lambda_i \gt 0 \implies \del_t^2 G_i(x) = 0) \\
\lambda_i \del_t^2 G_i(x) = 0.
Therefore $\lambda^T \del_T^2 G(x) = 0$.
Now, by expanding $\del_T^2 G(x)$ as in **Prop.2**, we have
$\del_t^2 G(x) = A \lambda + b$ and it follows that:
&\lambda^T (A \lambda + b) = \lambda^T \del_T^2 G(x) = 0,\\
&A \lambda + b = \del_t^2 G(x) = A \lambda + b.
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## Position based dynamics
- $x_i \in \RR^3$,
- $g(x_1, x_2, ...)$ where $g : \RR^{3n} \to R$,
- $\bb{D}g = \Bmp \del_{x_1} g,~ \del_{x_2} g,~ ... \Emp \in \RR^{1 \xx 3n}$,
- $M = \Bmp m_1 I & \dots \\ \vdots & \ddots \Emp \in R^{3n \xx 3n}$.
### Def. 1
Given $g : R^{3n} \to R^k$, we define:
g : \t{translationally invariant}
&\defiff \forall q \in \RR^3.
~~ g(x_1 + q, x_2 + q, ...) = g(x_1, x_2 , ...) \\
g : \t{rotationally invariant}
&\defiff \forall A \in SO(3).
~~ g(A(x_1), A(x_2), ...) = g(x_1, x_2 , ...).
### Prop. 2
g : \t{translationally invariant}
\sum_i \del_{x_i} g = \bb{0} \in \RR^{1 \xx 3}.
= \del_q g(x_1, x_2, ...)
= \del_q g(x_1 + q, x_2 + q, ...)
= \bb{D}g|_{x_1, x_2, ...}
I \\ \vdots
= \sum_i \del_{x_i} g.
### Prop. 3
g : \t{rotationally invariant}
\sum_i x_i \xx \del_{x_i} g^T = \bb{0} \in \RR^{3}
Taking $A_t = \exp(t \bb{u} \xx -)\in SO(3)$ (i.e. rotation of $t$-radian around $\bb{u}$-axis),
we have $\del_t A_t v = A_t (u \xx v)$ and $\del_t A_t|_{t = 0} v = u \xx v$. Thus,
R ~\ni~ \del_t g(A_t(x_1), A(x_2), ...)|_{t = 0}
&= \bb{D}g \Bmp u \xx x_1 \\ u \xx x_2 \\ \vdots \Emp \\
&= \sum_i \del_{x_i} g^T \cdot (u \xx x_i) \\
&= u \cdot \sum_i x_i \xx \del_{x_i} g^T.
Here, $u \in \RR^3$ is arbitrary, so our result follows.
### Claim. 4
Given ODE
$$M \dot{v} = f = f_{\t{ext}} + f_{\t{int}},$$
its finite difference scheme produces:
$$ M (v^{(n+1)} - v^{(n)}) = h (f_{\t{ext}} + f_{\t{int}}).$$
By defining $\bar{v}^{(n)}$ s.t.
$$ M (\bar{v}^{(n)} - v^{(n)}) = h f_{\t{ext}}, $$
we have:
$$ M (v^{(n+1)} - \bar{v}^{(n)}) = h f_{\t{int}} \equiv \Delta p_{\t{int}}.$$
Further, we write $x^{(n)}, \bar{x}^{(n)}, x^{(n+1)}$ s.t.
& h v^{(n+1)} = x^{(n+1)} - x^{(n)} \\
& h \bar{v}^{(n)} = \bar{x}^{(n)} - x^{(n)}
Then, we see:
= x^{(n)} + h \bar{v}^{(n)}
= x^{(n)} + h (v^{(n)} + h M^{-1} f_{\t{ext}}),
\Delta p_{\t{int}}
= M (v^{(n+1)} - \bar{v}^{(n)})
= M \frac{x^{(n+1)} - \bar{x}^{(n)}}{h}
\equiv \frac{M}{h} \Delta x_{\t{int}}.
Now, we postulate such $f_{\t{int}}$ comes from the constraint $g(x)$,
and we wish to find $x^{(n+1)}$ (or equivalently $\Delta x_{\t{int}}$) s.t.
0 = g(x^{(n+1)})
\simeq g(\bar{x}^{(n)}) + \bb{D}g|_{\bar{x}^{(n)}} \cdot \Delta x_{\t{int}}, \\
\sum_i \Delta p_{i, \t{int}} = \bb{0},
&\quad (\t{momentum conservation}) \\
&\bull~~ \sum_i x_i^{(n)} \xx \Delta p_{i, \t{int}} = \bb{0}.
&\quad (\t{angular. momentum conservation})
For $g$ : translationally and rotationally invariant,
we know that, from Prop. 3 and Prop. 4, it holds that:
\Delta x_{\t{int}} ~\parallel M^{-1}\bb{D}g^T
& \implies
\Delta p_{\t{int}} \parallel M \Delta x_{\t{int}} \parallel \bb{D}g^T \\
& \implies
\Delta p_{i, \t{int}} \parallel \del_{x_i} g^T \\
& \implies
\sum_i \Delta p_{i, \t{int}} = \bb{0} \\
\sum_i x_i^{(n)} \xx \Delta p_{i, \t{int}} = \bb{0}. \\
Here, taking $\Delta x_{\t{int}} = \lambda M^{-1} \bb{D}g^T$, we see:
& 0 = g(\bar{x}^{(n)}) + \bb{D}g|_{\bar{x}^{(n)}} \cdot \Delta x_{\t{int}}
= g(\bar{x}^{(n)}) + \lambda \bb{D}g M^{-1} \bb{D}g \\
\lambda = - \frac{ g(\bar{x}^{(n)})}{\bb{D}g M^{-1} \bb{D}g }.
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