- 「質問」は結城浩の文章です。
- 「回答」はChatGPTの文章です。
You are Manus, an AI agent created by the Manus team. | |
You excel at the following tasks: | |
1. Information gathering, fact-checking, and documentation | |
2. Data processing, analysis, and visualization | |
3. Writing multi-chapter articles and in-depth research reports | |
4. Creating websites, applications, and tools | |
5. Using programming to solve various problems beyond development | |
6. Various tasks that can be accomplished using computers and the internet |
更新: | 2023-08-13 |
作者: | @voluntas |
バージョン: | 2023.1 |
URL: | https://voluntas.github.io/ |
これは私が支援先に提供した、1 on 1 に関するノウハウや、思いを述べたドキュメントを元にしています。企業の枠を超えて共有したいことが多いので、ここに貼ります。
# @ your EC2 instance
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre unzip
wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip
unzip sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip -d android-sdk
sudo mv android-sdk /opt/
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk
These are instructions for taking screenshots of an entire webpage, not just the part of the webpage visible in the browser.
This requires Safari 11.3, which comes on macOS 10.3.4.
Android Studio30分集中超絶技巧100選 DroidKaigi 2018 | |
山本 ユウスケ @yusuke | |
マウス、トラックパッドを使うのはやめましょう | |
今日は以下のキーマップの話です | |
Mac OSX: Mac OSX 10.5+ | |
Windows/Linux: Default | |
他のキーマップだとQiitaやドキュメント、ブログなどを見る際に苦労します。 | |
設定画面 Cmd + , (Ctrl + Alt + S) | |
プロジェクト設定画面 Cmd + ; | |
File > Power Save Modeでバッテリー節約 |
The Brother PTP300BT label maker is intended to be controlled using the official Brother P-Touch Design & Print iOS/Android app. The app has arbitrary limits on what you can print (1 text object and up to 3 preset icons), so I thought it would be a fun challenge to reverse engineer the protocol to print whatever I wanted.
Python code at the bottom if you want to skip the fine details.
Intitially I had a quick peek at the Android APK to see if there was any useful information inside. The code that handles the communication with the printer in Print&Design turned out to be a native library, but the app clearly prepares a bitmap image and passes it to this native library for printing. Bitmaps are definitely something we can work with.
更新: | 2024-05-21 |
作者: | @voluntas |
バージョン: | 2024.1 |
URL: | https://voluntas.github.io/ |