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hraban /
Last active April 13, 2022 17:42 — forked from jamesmacfie/
iTerm 2 - script to change theme depending on Mac OS dark mode
hraban / dialog.html
Last active December 1, 2019 22:19 — forked from coinsandsteeldev/dialog.html
Google Sheets script to allow multi-select in cells with data-validation (adapted from
<!DOCTYPE html>
(function(d){"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=d():"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(d):mu=µ=d()})(function(){function d(){}function m(a){return a.replace(/-(.)/g,function(a,c){return c.toUpperCase()})}function k(a){return"[object Array]"==={}}function g(a){return[]}{return document.querySelector(a)};d.all=function(a){return g(document.querySelectorAll(a))};d.create=function(a){return document.createElement(a)};var h={one:function(a){return this.querySelector(a)},all:function(a){return g(this.querySelectorAll(a))},each:function(a){a.bind(this)(0);return this},"µAddEventListener":Node.prototype.addEventListener,addEventListener:function(){this.µEventCache=this.µEventCache||[];this.µEventCache.push(arguments);this.µAddEventListener.apply(this,arguments)},on:function(a,b){this.addEventListener(a,b);return this},add:function(){return g(arguments).reduce(function(a,b){k(b)?a.a
hraban /
Created January 6, 2019 00:17 — forked from dixson3/
Create and manage a case-sensitive disk-image on OSX. This is great when you have a need to work with case-sensitive repos on a mac.
set -eu -o pipefail
${DEBUGSH+set -x}
# where to store the sparse-image
hraban / .travis.yml
Created May 24, 2017 16:33 — forked from hc2p/.travis.yml
This is a prove of concept for leveraging the travis directory caching for speeding up docker builds. It works by configuring the docker deamon to use a folder under current user's (travis) control. That way you have the privileges to use the caching feature of travis ci.
sudo: false
- docker
- sudo service docker stop
- if [ "$(ls -A /home/travis/docker)" ]; then echo "/home/travis/docker already set"; else sudo mv /var/lib/docker /home/travis/docker; fi
- sudo bash -c "echo 'DOCKER_OPTS=\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -g /home/travis/docker\"' > /etc/default/docker"
- sudo service docker start
hraban / coroutines.lisp
Created May 29, 2011 12:05 — forked from ryepup/coroutines in lisp
lisp coroutines using chanl (threads)
(defmacro make-coroutine ((&key (coroutine-done-value :done)) &body body)
(alexandria:with-gensyms ((thrfn "thread body")
(c "channel"))
`(let* ((,c (make-instance 'chanl:bounded-channel))
(,thrfn (lambda ()
(flet ((yield (&optional n)
(chanl:send ,c n)))
(yield ,coroutine-done-value)))))
(let ((alive-p T) val thr)