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Forked from agarny/github-import-issues
Created April 4, 2020 08:27
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Import GitHub issues from one repository to another (incl. milestones, labels and comments).
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This script came about after I removed several big files from a GitHub
# repository (see and force pushed
# everything back to GitHub. However, cloning the 'new' GitHub repository still
# results in those big files being present in the git history. This is, among
# other things, due to some pull requests I have in that repository and which
# reference those big files. I contacted GitHub about this, but there seems to
# be nothing that they can do about it. So, I was left with no other choice but
# to create a new repository and force push everything to it. To clone that new
# repository results in a local repository without all those big files, so
# that's good. However, all the features of the original GitHub repository are
# obviously gone. Some of those features simply cannot be imported (e.g. pull
# requests, watchers, stargazers, forks), but issues can (to some extent; see
# limitations below) and this is what this Python script does. It is based on
# the work on the Python script of Max Korenkov:
# However, the script didn't work for me (e.g. closed issues were not imported),
# so I came up with the below script. It's my very first Python script, so I am
# sure it could be improved. Otherwise, though the script works fine with my
# GitHub repository, it may need some tweaking to work with yours. At least, set
# the configuration settings below.
# What the script does:
# - Clean up the destination repository:
# - Remove all existing milestones from the destination repository; and
# - Remove all existing labels from the destination repository.
# - Import the settings of the source repository to the destination repository:
# - Import the source milestones to the destination repository;
# - Import the source labels to the destination repository; and
# - Import, in the order in which they were originally created, the source
# issues (both open and closed) to the destination repository:
# - Create the issue (incl. its title and body and, if any, its assignee,
# milestone and labels);
# - Import the comments associated with the issue, if any; and
# - Close the issue, if needed.
# What the script does not (either due to GitHub API limitations or GitHub's
# 'features'):
# - During the cleaning up of the destination repository, existing issues are
# not removed. Indeed, once created, an issues simply cannot be deleted.
# - Any imported issue can only be created on your behalf rather than that of
# the original creator (unless it is you!). So, the best we can do, if you
# are not the original creator, is to edit the issue's body and mention its
# original creator.
# - As for an imported issue, any comment for an imported issue will be created
# on your behalf, but as for an imported issue we can, if needed, edit it and
# mention its original creator.
import base64
import json
import urllib2
import StringIO
#=== Configuration ===
gitaccount = "octocat"
username = "[email protected]"
password = "octocat"
sourceRepository = "octocat/octocat"
destinationRepository = "octocat/newoctocat"
#=== End of configuration ===
server = ""
sourceUrl = "https://%s/repos/%s" % (server, sourceRepository)
destinationUrl = "https://%s/repos/%s" % (server, destinationRepository)
leadingSpace = ""
def incrementOutput():
global leadingSpace
leadingSpace = leadingSpace+" "
def decrementOutput():
global leadingSpace
leadingSpace = leadingSpace[3:]
def output(string = ""):
print "%s%s" % (leadingSpace, string)
def openUrl(method, url, data = None):
request = urllib2.Request(url, data)
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic " + base64.urlsafe_b64encode("%s:%s" % (username, password)))
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
request.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
request.get_method = lambda: method
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
data =
if data:
result = json.load(StringIO.StringIO(data))
result = []
return result
def getInformation(url):
information = []
maximumPerPage = 100
if "?" in url:
realUrl = url+"&page=%s&per_page=%s"
realUrl = url+"?page=%s&per_page=%s"
mustGetInformation = True
page = 1
while mustGetInformation:
pageInformation = openUrl("GET", realUrl % (page, maximumPerPage))
if len(pageInformation) == maximumPerPage:
page += 1
mustGetInformation = False
return information
def setInformation(method, url, data = None):
openUrl(method, url, data)
def getMilestones(url):
openMilestones = getInformation("%s/milestones?direction=asc" % url)
closedMilestones = getInformation("%s/milestones?direction=asc&state=closed" % url)
return openMilestones+closedMilestones
def getLabels(url):
return getInformation("%s/labels" % url)
def getTypeOfIssues(url, status):
return getInformation("%s/issues?direction=asc&state=%s" % (url, status))
def getIssues(url):
openIssues = getTypeOfIssues(url, "open")
closedIssues = getTypeOfIssues(url, "closed")
issues = []
for issueNumber in range(len(openIssues)+len(closedIssues)):
for issue in openIssues+closedIssues:
if issueNumber == issue["number"]-1:
return issues
def cleanUpMilestones(url):
milestones = getMilestones(url)
if milestones:
output(" - Removing existing milestone(s):")
for milestone in milestones:
setInformation("DELETE", "%s/milestones/%s" % (url, milestone["number"]))
output(" - %s" % milestone["title"])
output(" - No milestones")
def cleanUpLabels(url):
labels = getLabels(url)
if labels:
output(" - Removing existing label(s):")
for label in labels:
setInformation("DELETE", "%s/labels/%s" % (url, label["name"]))
output(" - %s" % label["name"])
output(" - No labels")
def cleanUp(url):
def importMilestones(fromUrl, toUrl):
milestones = getMilestones(fromUrl)
if milestones:
output(" - Importing milestone(s):")
for milestone in milestones:
data = json.dumps({
"title": milestone["title"],
"state": milestone["state"],
"description": milestone["description"],
"due_on": milestone["due_on"]
setInformation("POST", "%s/milestones" % toUrl, data)
output(" - %s" % milestone["title"])
def importLabels(fromUrl, toUrl):
labels = getLabels(fromUrl)
if labels:
output(" - Importing label(s):")
for label in labels:
data = json.dumps({
"name": label["name"],
"color": label["color"]
setInformation("POST", "%s/labels" % toUrl, data)
output(" - %s" % label["name"])
def importIssues(fromUrl, toUrl):
issues = getIssues(fromUrl)
if issues:
milestones = getMilestones(toUrl)
output(" - Importing issue(s):")
for issue in issues:
# Create the issue
issueBody = ""
if issue["user"]["login"] != gitaccount:
issueBody += "**Note:** this issue was imported, but it was originally created by [%s](\n\n" % (issue["user"]["login"], issue["user"]["login"])
issueBody += issue["body"]
if issue["assignee"]:
assigneeLogin = issue["assignee"]["login"]
assigneeLogin = None
milestoneNumber = None
if issue["milestone"]:
for milestone in milestones:
if issue["milestone"]["title"] == milestone["title"]:
milestoneNumber = milestone["number"]
labelsArray = []
if issue["labels"]:
for label in issue["labels"]:
data = json.dumps({
"title": issue["title"],
"body": issueBody,
"assignee": assigneeLogin,
"milestone": milestoneNumber,
"labels": labelsArray
setInformation("POST", "%s/issues" % toUrl, data)
output(" - Issue #%s (by %s) [%s]: %s" % (issue["number"], issue["user"]["login"], issue["state"], issue["title"]))
# Add comments to the issue, if any
comments = getInformation("%s/issues/%s/comments" % (fromUrl, issue["number"]))
if comments:
commentNumber = 0
for comment in comments:
commentBody = ""
if comment["user"]["login"] != gitaccount:
commentBody += "**Note:** this comment was imported, but it was originally made by [%s](\n\n" % (comment["user"]["login"], comment["user"]["login"])
commentBody += comment["body"]
data = json.dumps({
"body": commentBody
setInformation("POST", "%s/issues/%s/comments" % (toUrl, issue["number"]), data)
commentNumber += 1
output(" - Comment #%s (by %s)" % (commentNumber, comment["user"]["login"]))
# Close the issue, if needed
if issue["state"] == "closed":
data = json.dumps({
"state": issue["state"]
setInformation("PATCH", "%s/issues/%s" % (toUrl, issue["number"]), data)
def importSettings(fromUrl, toUrl):
importMilestones(fromUrl, toUrl)
importLabels(fromUrl, toUrl)
importIssues(fromUrl, toUrl)
def main():
output("Cleaning up %s:" % destinationRepository)
output("Importing settings of %s to %s:" % (sourceRepository, destinationRepository))
importSettings(sourceUrl, destinationUrl)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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