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Last active February 28, 2024 06:14
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RenderDocPlugin In Packaged Builds
Line 310
IUnknown* RenderDoc;
IID RenderDocID;
if (SUCCEEDED(IIDFromString(L"{A7AA6116-9C8D-4BBA-9083-B4D816B71B78}", &RenderDocID)))
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-FIX-RenderDoc: Disable Forced Ideal GPU Capture - Bc we use renderdoc in packaged games
bool bUseRenderDoc = false;
FParse::Bool(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("renderdoc"), bUseRenderDoc);
if (SUCCEEDED(Direct3DDevice->QueryInterface(RenderDocID, (void**)(&RenderDoc)))
&& (GIsEditor || bUseRenderDoc) )
// @third party code - END Bebylon
Line 1:
// Copyright 1998-2018 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "RenderDocPluginLoader.h"
#include "RenderDocPluginModule.h"
#include "RenderDocPluginSettings.h"
#include "Internationalization/Internationalization.h"
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-Workaround-RenderDoc: Enable relative gamepath specification from game directory
#include "Developer/DesktopPlatform/public/DesktopPlatformModule.h"
// @third party code - END Bebylon
Line 31:
static void* LoadAndCheckRenderDocLibrary(FRenderDocPluginLoader::RENDERDOC_API_CONTEXT*& RenderDocAPI, const FString& RenderdocPath)
check(nullptr == RenderDocAPI);
if (RenderdocPath.IsEmpty())
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-Workaround-RenderDoc: Enable relative gamepath specification from game directory
FString PathToRenderDocDLL = [&RenderdocPath]() {
FString renderDocDllPath = FPaths::Combine(*RenderdocPath, *FString("renderdoc.dll"));
FString pathToAttempt = FPaths::IsRelative(renderDocDllPath) ? FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(renderDocDllPath) : renderDocDllPath;
if (FPaths::FileExists(pathToAttempt))
{ return pathToAttempt; }
pathToAttempt = FPaths::Combine(FPaths::ProjectDir(), renderDocDllPath);
if (FPaths::FileExists(pathToAttempt))
{ return pathToAttempt; }
pathToAttempt = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::Combine(FPaths::EngineDir(), renderDocDllPath));
if (FPaths::FileExists(pathToAttempt))
{ return pathToAttempt; }
return FString("");
// @third party code - END Bebylon
if (!FPaths::FileExists(PathToRenderDocDLL))
UE_LOG(RenderDocPlugin, Warning, TEXT("unable to locate RenderDoc library at: %s"), *PathToRenderDocDLL);
Line 123:
// 2) Check for a RenderDoc system installation in the registry:
if (RenderDocDLL == nullptr)
FString RenderdocPath;
FWindowsPlatformMisc::QueryRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Classes\\RenderDoc.RDCCapture.1\\DefaultIcon\\"), TEXT(""), RenderdocPath);
RenderdocPath = FPaths::GetPath(RenderdocPath);
RenderDocDLL = LoadAndCheckRenderDocLibrary(RenderDocAPI, RenderdocPath);
if (RenderDocDLL)
CVarRenderDocBinaryPath.AsVariable()->Set(*RenderdocPath, ECVF_SetByProjectSetting);
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-Workaround-RenderDoc: Enable relative gamepath specification from game directory
// @third party code - END Bebylon
// 3) Check for a RenderDoc custom installation by prompting the user:
if (RenderDocDLL == nullptr)
//Renderdoc does not seem to be installed, but it might be built from source or downloaded by archive,
//so prompt the user to navigate to the main exe file
UE_LOG(RenderDocPlugin, Log, TEXT("RenderDoc library not found; provide a custom installation location..."));
FString RenderdocPath;
IDesktopPlatform* DesktopPlatform = FDesktopPlatformModule::Get();
if (DesktopPlatform)
FString Filter = TEXT("Renderdoc executable|renderdocui.exe");
TArray<FString> OutFiles;
if (DesktopPlatform->OpenFileDialog(nullptr, TEXT("Locate main Renderdoc executable..."), TEXT(""), TEXT(""), Filter, EFileDialogFlags::None, OutFiles))
RenderdocPath = OutFiles[0];
RenderdocPath = FPaths::GetPath(RenderdocPath);
RenderDocDLL = LoadAndCheckRenderDocLibrary(RenderDocAPI, RenderdocPath);
if (RenderDocDLL)
CVarRenderDocBinaryPath.AsVariable()->Set(*RenderdocPath, ECVF_SetByProjectSetting);
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-Workaround-RenderDoc: Enable relative gamepath specification from game directory
// @third party code - END Bebylon
// 4) All bets are off; aborting...
if (RenderDocDLL == nullptr)
UE_LOG(RenderDocPlugin, Warning, TEXT("unable to initialize the plugin because no RenderDoc libray has been located."));
Line 16:
#include "UnrealClient.h"
#include "Editor/EditorEngine.h"
extern UNREALED_API UEditorEngine* GEditor;
#include "ISettingsModule.h"
#include "ISettingsSection.h"
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-Workaround-RenderDoc: Include GEngine to allow RenderDoc to be packaged in Runtime builds
#include "Engine/Engine.h"
extern ENGINE_API class UEngine* GEngine;
// @third party code - END Bebylon
Line 9:
public RenderDocPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { });
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]
, "CoreUObject"
, "Engine"
, "InputCore"
, "DesktopPlatform"
, "Projects"
, "RenderCore"
, "InputDevice"
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-Workaround-RenderDoc: Include GEngine to allow RenderDoc to be packaged in Runtime builds
//, "MainFrame"
// @third party code - END Bebylon
, "RHI" // RHI module: required for accessing the UE4 flag GUsingNullRHI.
// @third party code - BEGIN Bebylon - #Eng-Workaround-RenderDoc: Include GEngine to allow RenderDoc to be packaged in Runtime builds
if (Target.Configuration != UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping)
IsRedistributableOverride = true;
// @third party code - END Bebylon
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