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you're a lizard, Perry.

Thanh Ngo iocat

you're a lizard, Perry.
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iocat / Streams.res
Created May 16, 2021 03:08
Some Stream utilities in Rescript.
let map = (stream, functor) =>
Stream.from(_ =>
try Some(stream->>functor) catch {
| Stream.Failure => None
let keep = (stream, predicate) =>
Stream.from(_ => {
let rec getNext = () => {
iocat / index.tsx
Last active November 23, 2020 04:03
State Management without Redux but with useReducer/useContext.
// Reproduced in TSX from blog :P
export type ExampleAction1 = {
type: 'ACTION'
export type ExampleAction2 = {
type: 'ACTION2'
export type Action = ExampleAction1 | ExampleAction2;
iocat / getLocalIdent.js
Last active January 14, 2019 22:03
Stateful variable-length CSS Modules' class name generator (using ECMAScript Generator Function)
// @flow
* Copyright (c) 2019-present, Thanh Ngo.
* This source code is licensed under the license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
iocat / flyd-react.js
Created November 17, 2018 07:05
Simple high order function that connects flyd streams/callback functions to React
// Example
// const counter =
// const incCounter = () => counter(counter() + 1)
// const FComp = ({counter, incCounter}) => <span onClick={incCounter}> {counter} </span>
// connectStreams ({
// counter,
// incCounter
// })(FComp)
iocat /
Created June 9, 2018 02:40
Lambda expression in Java
import java.util.function.*;
public class Lambda {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// In the object world of Java when everything is an object, you can't really pass function as "object."
// Unlike Java <1.8, Javascript allows you to have first-class functions or function as value which you can
iocat /
Created April 14, 2018 15:45 — forked from staltz/
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
iocat /
Created April 5, 2018 01:58
Remove all EC2 instances on the currently selected region (set up with aws configure)
INSTANCES=`aws ec2 describe-instances | grep InstanceId | awk '{ print $2 }' | tr -d '",'`
aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --no-disable-api-termination --instance-id $INSTANCE
aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids $INSTANCE
package edu.rutgers.cs431.teamchen.trafficgen;
import edu.rutgers.cs431.TrafficGeneratorProto.Car;
import edu.rutgers.cs431.TrafficGeneratorProto.GateAddress;
import edu.rutgers.cs431.TrafficGeneratorProto.TimeRequest;
import edu.rutgers.cs431.TrafficGeneratorProto.TimeResponse;
import edu.rutgers.cs431.teamchen.util.SystemConfig;
iocat / resource-loader.go
Last active September 1, 2017 06:53
A simple Gopherjs resource loader for dynamic resources added to the head of the document
// Package resloader loads resources and invokes a single callback for all packages
// useful for checking availability of loaded resources on the fly or all at once
package resloader
import (