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Last active November 23, 2020 04:03
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State Management without Redux but with useReducer/useContext.
// Reproduced in TSX from blog :P
export type ExampleAction1 = {
type: 'ACTION'
export type ExampleAction2 = {
type: 'ACTION2'
export type Action = ExampleAction1 | ExampleAction2;
export const reducer = (reducerState?: ReducerState, action?: Action): ReducerState => {
if (action == undefined || reducerState == undefined) {
return { state: {}, dispatcher: () => { } }
switch (action.type) {
case 'ACTION':
return reducerState
case 'ACTION2':
return reducerState
const _exhaustive: never = action
return reducerState
type GlobalState = {
state: ReducerState,
dispatcher: Dispatcher
export const GlobalStateContext: Context<GlobalState> = createContext<GlobalState>({ state: {}, dispatcher: () => { } });
export const GlobalStateContextProvider = ({ children }: { children: ComponentChildren }) => {
const [state, dispatcher] = useReducer<ReducerState, Action>(reducer, reducer())
const value: GlobalState = { state, dispatcher }
return <GlobalStateContext.Provider value={{ state, dispatcher }}>
import {GlobalStateContext, GlobalState} from 'index.tsx'
export const MyElement = () => {
const {state, dispatcher} = useContext<GlobalState>(GlobalStateContext);
return <>
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