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Last active March 12, 2024 19:42
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Youtube is Boring

How To Make Youtube Less Boring

Paste the below code in your browser console (F12 > Console):

        iterations: 1

async function markAllVideosAsNotBeingInteresting({iterations}) {
    for(let i=0; i<iterations; i++) {
        await markCurrentVideosAsNotBeingInteresting();
        console.log(`Iteration ${i} completed. Waiting 300ms`);
        await sleep(300);
   if(confirm("I'm done! Do you want to reload the page", "Yes")) {

async function markCurrentVideosAsNotBeingInteresting() {
    const videoMenuButtons = document.querySelectorAll("yt-icon.ytd-menu-renderer");

    for(let i=0; i<videoMenuButtons.length; i++) {
        if(!videoMenuButtons[i]) {
        await sleep(10);

        // Open the video menu

        await sleep(50);

        // Click on "Not interested" button
        var notInterestedButton = document.querySelector("#items > ytd-menu-service-item-renderer:nth-child(5) > tp-yt-paper-item");
        if(!notInterestedButton) {

        console.log("One video has been marked. Waiting 100ms");
        window.scrollBy(0, 95);
        await sleep(100);

// Utils
function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

PS. I'm not responsible if your accound get banned (Up until now, I wasn't banned) . Thanks!


You can check the "New to you" tab (make sure to scale the page to 80%) image

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ghost commented Jan 13, 2022

Why don't you randomize the sleep() calls? I suppose this decreases the chance to get caught in some algorithm web.

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nice! youtube is really boring with recomendations last time. if i scroll over recomendations for couple times it should automatically understand - i won't click that videos now and probably won't to watch it in the future. stupid algos

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peyao commented Jan 13, 2022

I wonder what the consequences are for disliking videos instead of marking as not interesting, and if that would achieve a similar effect.

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Nitpick: why are there spaces after for keywords, but not after ifs?

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@agluszak I don't know either :)

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So does this actually make a big change? It just switches up your front page entirely?

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@wormpilled yes, kind of

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rachmadaniHaryono commented Jan 14, 2022

based on hackernews comment 1 i try to convert it to bookmarklet using 2 but raise another error on firefox

Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions, async generators and modules

but it is working if copied directly to console

current bookmarklet raw format because markdown can't handle it





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@rachmadaniHaryono I've updated the code to be compatible with Firefox.

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iosifnicolae2 commented Jan 14, 2022

It might be useful to implement these two functionalities:

  1. Allow the script to remove the recommended videos from "Watch later" list.
  2. Create an extension where users can start & stop this algorithm

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rachmadaniHaryono commented Jan 14, 2022

@iosifnicolae2 can confirm the fix, thank you



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@iosifnicolae2 unfortunately if blocktube is installed it will add not interested video channel to block list

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